Government Agencies

Government Agencies

Partnerships with Government Agencies

Sandia provides technical resources and facilities to other federal agencies and to state and local government on a reimbursable basis. Work must complement Sandia and DOE/NNSA programs and not hinder the Labs’ execution of assigned DOE/NNSA programs or be in direct competition with the domestic private sector.

What’s in it for each partner?

For Government Agencies, partnerships with Sandia can:

  • Work with a trusted partner with decades of experience in solving the nation’s most challenging national security concerns
  • Provide access to Sandia’s unique facilities and resources to resolve critical technical issues
  • Enhances the U.S. national security mission
  • Leverage multiagency funds for research and development
  • Lead to local economic development

For Sandia, partnerships with Government Agencies can:

  • Develop Sandia’s capabilities and technical portfolio
  • Support Sandia’s ability to perform DOE/NNSA missions