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Cybersecurity for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Johnson, Jay; Anderson, Benjamin R.; Wright, Brian J.; Quiroz, Jimmy E.; Berg, Timothy M.; Graves, Russell G.; Daley, Josh D.; Phan, Kandy P.; Kunz, Micheal K.; Pratt, Rick P.; Carroll, Tom C.; ONeil, Lori R.; Dindlebeck, Brian D.; Maloney, Patrick M.; O'Brien, David J.; Gotthold, David G.; Varriale, Roland V.; Bohn, Ted B.; Hardy, Keith H.

As the U.S. electrifies the transportation sector, cyberattacks targeting vehicle charging could impact several critical infrastructure sectors including power systems, manufacturing, medical services, and agriculture. This is a growing area of concern as charging stations increase power delivery capabilities and must communicate to authorize charging, sequence the charging process, and manage load (grid operators, vehicles, OEM vendors, charging network operators, etc.). The research challenges are numerous and complicated because there are many end users, stakeholders, and software and equipment vendors interests involved. Poorly implemented electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), electric vehicle (EV), or grid operator communication systems could be a significant risk to EV adoption because the political, social, and financial impact of cyberattacks — or public perception of such — would ripple across the industry and produce lasting effects. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive EVSE cybersecurity approach and limited best practices have been adopted by the EV/EVSE industry. There is an incomplete industry understanding of the attack surface, interconnected assets, and unsecured inter faces. Comprehensive cybersecurity recommendations founded on sound research are necessary to secure EV charging infrastructure. This project provided the power, security, and automotive industry with a strong technical basis for securing this infrastructure by developing threat models, determining technology gaps, and identifying or developing effective countermeasures. Specifically, the team created a cybersecurity threat model and performed a technical risk assessment of EVSE assets across multiple manufacturers and vendors, so that automotive, charging, and utility stakeholders could better protect customers, vehicles, and power systems in the face of new cyber threats.

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Review of Electric Vehicle Charger Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities, Potential Impacts, and Defenses


Johnson, Jay; Berg, Timothy M.; Anderson, Benjamin; Wright, Brian J.

Worldwide growth in electric vehicle use is prompting new installations of private and public electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). EVSE devices support the electrification of the transportation industry but also represent a linchpin for power systems and transportation infras-tructures. Cybersecurity researchers have recently identified several vulnerabilities that exist in EVSE devices, communications to electric vehicles (EVs), and upstream services, such as EVSE vendor cloud services, third party systems, and grid operators. The potential impact of attacks on these systems stretches from localized, relatively minor effects to long-term national disruptions. Fortunately, there is a strong and expanding collection of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) cybersecurity best practices that may be applied to the EVSE environment to secure this equipment. In this paper, we survey publicly disclosed EVSE vulnerabilities, the impact of EV charger cyberattacks, and proposed security protections for EV charging technologies.

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GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2021

Mariner, Paul M.; Berg, Timothy M.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Eckert, Aubrey C.; Harvey, Jacob H.; LaForce, Tara; Leone, Rosemary C.; Mills, Melissa M.; Nole, Michael A.; Park, Heeho D.; Perry, F.V.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Swiler, Laura P.; Chang, Kyung W.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), Office of Spent Fuel & Waste Disposition (SFWD) is conducting research and development (R&D) on geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and highlevel nuclear waste (HLW). A high priority for SFWST disposal R&D is disposal system modeling (DOE 2012, Table 6; Sevougian et al. 2019). The SFWST Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) work package is charged with developing a disposal system modeling and analysis capability for evaluating generic disposal system performance for nuclear waste in geologic media.

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Integrated Cyber/Physical Grid Resiliency Modeling

Dawson, Lon A.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Levin, Drew L.; Melander, Darryl J.; Sorensen, Asael H.; Cauthen, Katherine R.; Wilches-Bernal, Felipe; Berg, Timothy M.; Lavrova, Olga A.; Guttromson, Ross G.

This project explored coupling modeling and analysis methods from multiple domains to address complex hybrid (cyber and physical) attacks on mission critical infrastructure. Robust methods to integrate these complex systems are necessary to enable large trade-space exploration including dynamic and evolving cyber threats and mitigations. Reinforcement learning employing deep neural networks, as in the AlphaGo Zero solution, was used to identify "best" (or approximately optimal) resilience strategies for operation of a cyber/physical grid model. A prototype platform was developed and the machine learning (ML) algorithm was made to play itself in a game of 'Hurt the Grid'. This proof of concept shows that machine learning optimization can help us understand and control complex, multi-dimensional grid space. A simple, yet high-fidelity model proves that the data have spatial correlation which is necessary for any optimization or control. Our prototype analysis showed that the reinforcement learning successfully improved adversary and defender knowledge to manipulate the grid. When expanded to more representative models, this exact type of machine learning will inform grid operations and defense - supporting mitigation development to defend the grid from complex cyber attacks! This same research can be expanded to similar complex domains.

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Fisher Information: Its Flow, Fusion, and Coordination

Berg, Timothy M.

The information form of the Kalman filter is used as a device for implementing an optimal, linear, decentralized algorithm on a decentralized topology. A systems approach utilizing design tradeoffs is required to successfully implement an effective data fusion network with minimal communication. Combining decentralized results over the past four decades with practical aspects of nodal network implementation, the final product provides an important benchmark for functionally decentralized systems designs.

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8 Results
8 Results