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Cybersecurity for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Johnson, Jay; Anderson, Benjamin R.; Wright, Brian J.; Quiroz, Jimmy E.; Berg, Timothy M.; Graves, Russell G.; Daley, Josh D.; Phan, Kandy P.; Kunz, Micheal K.; Pratt, Rick P.; Carroll, Tom C.; ONeil, Lori R.; Dindlebeck, Brian D.; Maloney, Patrick M.; O'Brien, David J.; Gotthold, David G.; Varriale, Roland V.; Bohn, Ted B.; Hardy, Keith H.

As the U.S. electrifies the transportation sector, cyberattacks targeting vehicle charging could impact several critical infrastructure sectors including power systems, manufacturing, medical services, and agriculture. This is a growing area of concern as charging stations increase power delivery capabilities and must communicate to authorize charging, sequence the charging process, and manage load (grid operators, vehicles, OEM vendors, charging network operators, etc.). The research challenges are numerous and complicated because there are many end users, stakeholders, and software and equipment vendors interests involved. Poorly implemented electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), electric vehicle (EV), or grid operator communication systems could be a significant risk to EV adoption because the political, social, and financial impact of cyberattacks — or public perception of such — would ripple across the industry and produce lasting effects. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive EVSE cybersecurity approach and limited best practices have been adopted by the EV/EVSE industry. There is an incomplete industry understanding of the attack surface, interconnected assets, and unsecured inter faces. Comprehensive cybersecurity recommendations founded on sound research are necessary to secure EV charging infrastructure. This project provided the power, security, and automotive industry with a strong technical basis for securing this infrastructure by developing threat models, determining technology gaps, and identifying or developing effective countermeasures. Specifically, the team created a cybersecurity threat model and performed a technical risk assessment of EVSE assets across multiple manufacturers and vendors, so that automotive, charging, and utility stakeholders could better protect customers, vehicles, and power systems in the face of new cyber threats.

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Enabling secure and cost-effective nuclear power plant wireless communications

11th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC and HMIT 2019

Daley, Joshua; Phan, Kandy P.; Dawson, Lon A.; Abrahamson, Jason A.; McJunkin, Timothy

U. S. Nuclear Power Plants are seeking to implement wireless communications for cost-effective operations. New technology introduced into power plants must not introduce security concerns into critical plant functions. This paper describes the potential for new security concerns with proposed nuclear power plant wireless system implementations and methods of evaluation. While two aspects of concern are introduced, only one (cyber attack vulnerability) is expanded with a description of test setup and methods. A novel method of cyber vulnerability discovery is also described. The goal of this research is to establish wireless technology as a part of a secure operations architecture that brings increased efficiency without introducing new security concerns.

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7 Results