Earth Science

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Exascale Earth System Model will harness the next level of supercomputer

News Article, October 12, 2022 • Sandia visualization experts are working with climate scientists to visualize complex simulation results from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) as part of a DOE project sponsored by the Office of Science. The Sandia team has developed visualization workflows that incorporate DOE open-source visualization tools like ParaView with commercial...
Image of Exascale Earth System Model

Releasing, detecting, and modeling trace aerosols and gases in Earth’s stratosphere

News Article, May 1, 2023 • Proposed actions to reduce ever-increasing global temperatures include geoengineering the Earth’s climate by injecting matter into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight. This proposition, known as Solar Radiation Management, is based on global climate model studies averaged in space and time and Plinian-style volcanic eruptions observations from near-single points. By increasing...
The sun peering over the curvature of the Earth.

Statistical earthquake models inform understanding of material degradation at the nanoscale

News Article, December 10, 2024 • Muscovite mica, used in many materials science applications, is known for its extremely flat and flaky layers, making it highly susceptible to hostile environmental conditions. (Photo by Anastasia Ilgen) Understanding how materials will interact with their environment is crucial when selecting components for engineering applications. To help inform material selection, geologists...