Module 53: Contributing and Development Guide

Contributing code

minimega is an open source project and we welcome contributions from the community.

Trivial patches

Many patches are simple enough to not need the more rigorous development approach detailed here. These include typos, additions to documentation without code revisions, and minor fixes (only a few lines of code). For these, simply format the patch according to the “Submitting a Patch” section below and issue a pull request.

When submitting a trivial patch, include the text ‘trivial’ in the pull request title.

Discuss your design

Begin by joining the minimega mailing list. New ideas and better solutions to existing code are always welcome, and posting to the mailing list first allows coming to a quorum on your idea before you spend time implementing it.

Please post on the mailing list before you submit patches, unless they are trivial.

Development style

minimega follows the formatting style enforced by the Go language specification, and generally follows the programming style used by core Go developers (and by luck most Go developers). There are exceptions, particularly in the few C files in the codebase.

Unless the development in question is aimed at reformatting a piece of the codebase, you should adhere to the style in that particular section of code. minimega is growing rapidly and often times newer code is more well thought out (or not) than older code.


Add unit tests using Go’s unit test framework whenever possible. If your code is not Go, tests should be considered in some other capacity.

Always make sure that your code revision builds and completes all tests by running all.bash in the repo. If your code revision applies to windows binaries (protonuke, miniccc, etc.), then make sure your change works on Windows as well.

Write runtime tests using minitest.


Always include updates and additions to the documents, API help, and tutorials (when appropriate) in your change. Some documentation is currently missing, so there is an emphasis on ensuring that revisions and especially new functionality is well documented.

Tracking issues

If your change is being committed to a branch other than master, include “updates issue NNN” in the commit log. Never close an issue on a commit in a branch other than master unless that ticket is specific to that branch.

Commit messages

Try to adhere to common Git commit message format. When working on a one or two tools or packages, we typically prefix the summary with the its name (e.g. `minimega: …`, `minimega,minicli: …`). For commits that span many components, we typically prefix them with `various: …`.

Submitting a patch

minimega is hosted on, and we use github’s ‘pull request’ functionality for code review and merging patches to the main repository. See github’s pull request page for more information. In short, you will need to fork minimega to your own account, commit to your local tree, and issue a pull request to the main repository from your own.

Generate the pull request from master (or the branch you are committing to) for all of the commits in your patchset, including updates to documentation.

If your patchset fixes a listed issue, make sure ‘fixes issue #NNN’ is in the commit log, so the issue is referenced to your work.

Code review

When a pull request is made, at least one contributor will review the patchset, make comments, and either wait for more feedback or authorize the patch with a ‘LGTM’ (looks good to me) phrase. After authorization, any committer may merge the pull request.

Working with Github

See Github’s collaborating section for more information on effectively contributing to projects the “github” way.

Of specific use may be syncing a fork with an upstream repo, and checking out a pull request locally.


minimega is released under the GNU GPLv3. Several included 3rd party packages are released under other licenses, as described in the LICENSES directory in the repo. If you are submitting a patch to the existing codebase, the code will be licensed under the same license. If you are submitting an entirely new package, please license it under any compatible FLOSS license. If you are submitting under a license not already included in the distribution, please discuss this on the mailing list first.

GPLv3 is preferred.