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PRO-X Fuel Cycle Transportation and Crosscutting Progress Report

Honnold, Philip H.; Crabtree, Lauren M.; Higgins, Michael H.; Williams, Adam D.; Finch, Robert F.; Cipiti, Benjamin B.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Farnum, Cathy O.; Kalinina, Elena A.; Ruehl, Matthew R.; Hawthorne, Krista H.

The PRO-X program is actively supporting the design of nuclear systems by developing a framework to both optimize the fuel cycle infrastructure for advanced reactors (ARs) and minimize the potential for production of weapons-usable nuclear material. Three study topics are currently being investigated by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) with support from Argonne National Laboratories (ANL). This multi-lab collaboration is focused on three study topics which may offer proliferation resistance opportunities or advantages in the nuclear fuel cycle. These topics are: 1) Transportation Global Landscape, 2) Transportation Avoidability, and 3) Parallel Modular Systems vs Single Large System (Crosscutting Activity).

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Preliminary Radioisotope Screening for Off-site Consequence Assessment of Advanced Non-LWR Systems

Andrews, Nathan A.; Higgins, Michael H.; TACONI, ANNA M.; Leute, Jennifer E.

Currently a set of 71 radionuclides are accounted for in off-site consequence analysis for LWRs. Radionuclides of dose consequence are expected to change for non-LWRs, with radionuclides of interest being type-specific. This document identifies an expanded set of radionuclides that may need to be accounted for in multiple non-LWR systems: high temperature gas reactors (HTGRs); fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs); thermal-spectrum fluoride-based molten salt reactors (MSRs); fast-spectrum chloride-based MSRs; and, liquid metal fast reactors with metallic fuel (LMRs) Specific considerations are provided for each reactor type in Chapter 2 through Chapter 5, and a summary of all recommendations is provided in Chapter 6. All identified radionuclides are already incorporated within the MACCS software, yet the development of tritium-specific and carbon-specific chemistry models are recommended.

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Fuel Fabrication and Single Stage Aqueous Process Modeling

Higgins, Michael H.; TACONI, ANNA M.; Honnold, Philip H.; Cipiti, Benjamin B.

The Material Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies program utilizes modeling and simulation to assess Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) concerns for a variety of nuclear facilities. Single analyst tools allow for rapid design and evaluation of advanced approaches for new and existing nuclear facilities. A low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel conversion and fabrication facility simulator is developed to assist with MC&A for existing facilities. Measurements are added to the model (consistent with current best practices). Material balance calculations and statistical tests are also added to the model. In addition, scoping work is performed for developing a single stage aqueous reprocessing model. Preliminary results are presented and discussed, and next steps outlined.

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Mechanistic Source Term Considerations for Advanced Non-LWRs (Revision 1)

Clark, Andrew C.; Higgins, Michael H.; Leonard, Elliott J.; Leute, Jennifer E.; Luxat, David L.; Nenoff, T.M.

This report is a functional review of the radionuclide containment strategies of fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor (FHR), molten salt reactor (MSR) and high temperature gas reactor (HTGR) systems. This analysis serves as a starting point for further, more in-depth analyses geared towards identifying phenomenological gaps that still exist, hindering the creation of a mechanistic source term for these reactor types. As background information to this review, an overview of how a mechanistic source term is created and used for consequence assessment necessary for licensing is provided. How a mechanistic source term is used within the Licensing Modernization Project (LMP) is also provided. Lastly, the characteristics of non-LWR mechanistic source terms are examined. This report does not assess the viability of any software system for use with advanced reactor designs, but instead covers system function requirements. Future work within the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulations (NEAMS) program will address such gaps. This document is an update of SAND 2020-6730. An additional chapter is included as well as edits to original content.

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18 Results
18 Results