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Highly efficient terahertz photoconductive metasurface detectors operating at microwatt-level gate powers

Optics Letters

Hale, Lucy L.; Harris, C.T.; Luk, Ting S.; Addamane, Sadhvikas J.; Reno, J.L.; Brener, Igal B.

Despite their wide use in terahertz (THz) research and technology, the application spectra of photoconductive antenna (PCA) THz detectors are severely limited due to the relatively high optical gating power requirement. This originates from poor conversion efficiency of optical gate beam photons to photocurrent in materials with subpicosecond carrier lifetimes. Here we show that using an ultra-thin (160 nm), perfectly absorbing low-temperature grown GaAs metasurface as the photoconductive channel drastically improves the efficiency of THz PCA detectors. This is achieved through perfect absorption of the gate beam in a significantly reduced photoconductive volume, enabled by the metasurface. This Letter demonstrates that sensitive THz PCA detection is possible using optical gate powers as low as 5 μW-three orders of magnitude lower than gating powers used for conventionalPCAdetectors.We show that significantly higher optical gate powers are not necessary for optimal operation, as they do not improve the sensitivity to the THz field. This class of efficient PCA THz detectors opens doors for THz applications with low gate power requirements.

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Spin-orbit enabled quantum transport channels in a two-hole double quantum dot

Physical Review B

Bogan, Alex; Studenikin, Sergei; Korkusinski, Marek; Gaudreau, Louis; Phoenix, Jason; Zawadzki, Piotr; Sachrajda, Andy; Tracy, Lisa A.; Reno, J.L.; Hargett, Terry H.

We analyze experimentally and theoretically the transport spectra of a gated lateral GaAs double quantum dot containing two holes. The strong spin-orbit interaction present in the hole subband lifts the Pauli spin blockade and allows to map out the complete spectra of the two-hole system. By performing measurements in both source-drain voltage directions, at different detunings and magnetic fields, we carry out quantitative fitting to a Hubbard two-site model accounting for the tunnel coupling to the leads and the spin-flip relaxation process. We extract the singlet-triplet gap and the magnetic field corresponding to the singlet-triplet transition in the double-hole ground state. Additionally, at the singlet-triplet transition we find a resonant enhancement (in the blockaded direction) and suppression of current (in the conduction direction). The current enhancement stems from the multiple resonance of two-hole levels, opening several conduction channels at once. The current suppression arises from the quantum interference of spin-conserving and spin-flipping tunneling processes.

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Single-hole couplings in GaAs/AlGaAs double dots probed with transport and EDSR spectroscopy

Applied Physics Letters

Ducatel, J.; Padawer-Blatt, A.; Bogan, A.; Korkusinski, M.; Zawadzki, P.; Sachrajda, A.; Studenikin, S.; Tracy, Lisa A.; Reno, J.L.; Hargett, Terry H.

We report a detailed study of the tunnel barriers within a single-hole GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dot device (DQD). For quantum information applications as well as fundamental studies, careful tuning and reliable measurements of the barriers are important requirements. In order to tune a DQD device adequately into the single-hole electric dipole spin resonance regime, one has to employ a variety of techniques to cover the extended range of tunnel couplings. In this work, we demonstrate four separate techniques, based upon charge sensing, quantum transport, time-resolved pulsing, and electron dipole spin resonance spectroscopy to determine the couplings as a function of relevant gate voltages and magnetic field. Measurements were performed under conditions of both symmetric and asymmetric tunnel couplings to the leads. Good agreement was observed between different techniques when measured under the same conditions. The results indicate that even in this relatively simple circuit, the requirement to tune multiple gates and the consequences of real potential profiles result in non-intuitive dependencies of the couplings as a function of the plunger gate voltage and the magnetic field.

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Single-hole physics in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dot system with strong spin-orbit interaction

Semiconductor Science and Technology

Studenikin, Sergei; Korkusinski, Marek; Bogan, Alex; Gaudreau, Louis; Austing, D.G.; Sachrajda, Andrew S.; Tracy, Lisa A.; Reno, J.L.; Hargett, Terry H.

There is rapidly expanding interest in exploiting the spin of valence-band holes rather than conduction-band electrons for spin qubit semiconductor circuits composed of coupled quantum dots. The hole platform offers stronger spin-orbit interaction (SOI), large difference between in-dot-plane and out-of-dot-plane g-factors, i.e. g-factor anisotropy, and a significantly reduced hyperfine coupling to nuclei in the host material. These attributes collectively can deliver fast all-electric coherent spin manipulation, efficient spin-flip inter-dot tunneling channels, a voltage tunable effective g-factor, a g-factor adjustable to nearly zero in an appropriately oriented external magnetic field, and long spin relaxation and coherence times. Here, we review our recent work on the physics of heavy holes confined in a planar GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dot system with strong SOI. For a single-hole, we have performed resonant tunneling magneto-spectroscopy to extract spin-flip and spin-conserving tunneling strengths, implemented spin-flip Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry, determined the spin relaxation time T 1 as a function of magnetic field using a fast single-shot latched charge technique, electrically tuned the effective g-factor revealed by electric dipole spin resonance, and found signatures of the hyperfine interaction and dynamic nuclear polarization with holes. For two-holes, we have measured the energy spectrum in the presence of strong SOI (and so not limited by Pauli spin blockade), quantified the heavy-hole (HH) g-factor anisotropy on tilting the magnetic field, described a scheme to employ HHs whose g-factor is tunable to nearly zero for an in-plane magnetic field for a coherent photon-to-spin interface, and observed a well-defined LZSM interference pattern at small magnetic fields on pulsing through the singlet-triplet anti-crossing.

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Enhanced stability of quantum Hall skyrmions under radio-frequency radiations

Scientific Reports

Pan, Wei P.; Reno, J.L.; Reyes, A.P.

We present in this paper the results from a recent study on the stability of the quantum Hall skyrmions state at a Landau level filling factor (ν) close to ν = 1 in a narrow GaAs quantum well. Consistent with previous work, a resonant behavior is observed in the resistively detected NMR measurements. In the subsequent current-voltage (I-V) measurements to examine its breakdown behavior under radio frequency radiations, we observe that the critical current assumes the largest value right at the 75As nuclear resonant frequency. We discuss possible origin for this unexpectedly enhanced stability.

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High power edge-cum-surface emitting terahertz laser arrays phased locked by vacuum guided plasmon waves

Applied Physics Letters

Jin, Yuan; Zhu, Qiyao; Reno, J.L.; Kumar, Sushil

Terahertz semiconductor quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) are widely implemented with metallic cavities that support low-loss plasmonic optical modes at long wavelengths. However, resonant optical modes in such cavities suffer from poor radiative characteristics due to their subwavelength transverse dimensions. Consequently, single-mode terahertz QCLs with metallic cavities and large (> 100 mW) output power have only been realized in the surface-emitting configuration that affords a large radiating surface. Here, we demonstrate a method to enhance radiative outcoupling from such plasmonic lasers for high-power emission in the edge-emitting (end-fire or longitudinal) direction. Single-sided plasmon waves propagating in vacuum are resonantly excited in surrounding medium of metallic cavities with the QCL semiconductor medium. The vacuum guided plasmon waves with a large wavefront phase-lock multiple metallic cavities longitudinally, which leads to intense radiation in multiple directions, including that in the longitudinal direction in a narrow single-lobed beam. The multicavity array radiates predominantly in a single spectral mode. A peak-power output of 260 mW and a slope efficiency of 303 mW/A are measured for the end-fire beam from a 3.3 THz QCL operating at 54 K in a Stirling cooler. Single-mode operation and lithographic tuning across a bandwidth of ∼ 150 GHz are demonstrated.

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Short barriers for lowering current-density in terahertz quantum cascade lasers


Gao, Liang; Reno, J.L.; Kumar, Sushil

Scattering due to interface-roughness (IR) and longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons are primary transport mechanisms in terahertz quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs). By choosing GaAs/Al0.10Ga0.90As heterostructures with short-barriers, the effect of IR scattering is mitigated, leading to low operating current-densities. A series of resonant-phonon terahertz QCLs developed over time, achieving some of the lowest threshold and peak current-densities among published terahertz QCLs with maximum operating temperatures above 100 K. The best result is obtained for a three-well 3.1 THz QCL with threshold and peak current-densities of 134 A/cm2 and 208 A/cm2 respectively at 53 K, and a maximum lasing temperature of 135 K. Another three-well QCL designed for broadband bidirectional operation achieved lasing in a combined frequency range of 3.1-3.7 THz operating under both positive and negative polarities, with an operating current-density range of 167-322 A/cm2 at 53 K and maximum lasing temperature of 141 K or 121 K depending on the polarity of the applied bias. By showing results from QCLs developed over a period of time, here we show conclusively that short-barrier terahertz QCLs are effective in achieving low current-density operation at the cost of a reduction in peak temperature performance.

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Single hole spin relaxation probed by fast single-shot latched charge sensing

Communications Physics

Bogan, Alex; Studenikin, Sergei; Korkusinski, Marek; Gaudreau, Louis; Zawadzki, Piotr; Sachrajda, Andy; Tracy, Lisa A.; Reno, J.L.; Hargett, Terry H.

Hole spins have recently emerged as attractive candidates for solid-state qubits for quantum computing. Their state can be manipulated electrically by taking advantage of the strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI). Crucially, these systems promise longer spin coherence lifetimes owing to their weak interactions with nuclear spins as compared to electron spin qubits. Here we measure the spin relaxation time T1 of a single hole in a GaAs gated lateral double quantum dot device. We propose a protocol converting the spin state into long-lived charge configurations by the SOI-assisted spin-flip tunneling between dots. By interrogating the system with a charge detector we extract the magnetic-field dependence of T1 ∝ B−5 for fields larger than B = 0.5 T, suggesting the phonon-assisted Dresselhaus SOI as the relaxation channel. This coupling limits the measured values of T1 from ~400 ns at B = 1.5 T up to ~60 μs at B = 0.5 T.

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Broadband continuous single-mode tuning of a short-cavity quantum-cascade VECSEL

Nature Photonics

Curwen, Christopher A.; Reno, J.L.; Williams, Benjamin S.

Changing the length of a laser cavity is a simple technique for continuously tuning the wavelength of a laser but is rarely used for broad fractional tuning, with a notable exception of the vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL)1,2. This is because, to avoid mode hopping, the cavity must be kept optically short to ensure a large free spectral range compared to the gain bandwidth of the amplifying material. Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers are ideal candidates for such a short cavity scheme as they demonstrate exceptional gain bandwidths (up to octave spanning)3 and can be integrated with broadband amplifying metasurfaces4. We present such a quantum-cascade metasurface-based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) that exhibits over 20% continuous fractional tuning of a single laser mode. Such tuning is possible because the metasurface has subwavelength thickness, which allows lasing on low-order Fabry–Pérot cavity modes. Good beam quality and high output power are simultaneously obtained.

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Electrical tuning of a terahertz quantum cascade laser based on detuned intersubband absorption

Applied Physics Letters

Gao, Liang; Zhao, Le; Reno, J.L.; Kumar, Sushil

A mechanism to electrically tune the frequency of terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) is developed that allows for tuning, while the QCL is operated close to its peak bias and temperature. Two optically coupled but electrically isolated cavities are used in which the bias of a control cavity tunes the resonant-mode of the coupled QCL cavity independent of the QCL's operating bias. Approximately 4 GHz electrical tuning is realized for a 3.6 THz distributed-feedback QCL operating in pulsed mode at 58 K in a Stirling cooler. The single-mode QCL emits near-constant peak-power in the range of 5 - 5.3 mW through the tuning range and radiates in a narrow single-lobed beam with a far-field divergence of ∼ 4 ° × 11 °. The superlattice structure of the QCL is designed to implement a low-voltage intersubband absorption transition that is detuned from that of its gain transition, the strength of which could be controlled sensitively with applied voltage utilizing resonant-tunneling injection of electrons in the absorption subband. The tuning is realized by the application of small bias voltages (∼ 6 - 7 V) and requires a narrow bias range (∼ 1 V, ∼ 40 A / cm 2) to traverse across the entire tuning range, and the method should be generally applicable to all intersubband lasers including mid-infrared QCLs.

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All-Dielectric Metasurfaces: Optical Nonlinearities and Emission Control

2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2019 - Proceedings

Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Sharma, Andrei; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.; Peake, Gregory M.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Balakrishnan, Ganesh; Staude, Isabelle; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Liu, Sheng; Reno, J.L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Addamane, Sadhvikas J.

In this work we show our results on the harmonic generation and nonlinear frequency mixing enhanced by Mie modes in GaAs metasurfaces. Moreover, we show enhancement and directionality control of the quantum dot emission embedded in the metasurface.

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Results 1–25 of 326
Results 1–25 of 326