Sandia News


International export and trade group supports mission

International export and trade compliance supported programs such as Global Security and Cooperation and Nuclear Deterrence program management and partnered with many others to enable mission work across all of Sandia. In parallel, the organization worked to reduce risk, educate the workforce and create better internal efficiencies and response times through such efforts as an awareness campaign, self-assessments and enhancements to its information technology infrastructure. Specific changes were made to the review and approval, international travel and hand carry and explosives inventory system applications.

organizational conflicts of interest poster

Program cuts risk of organizational conflicts of interest

The organizational conflicts of interest team implemented a robust program mitigating risk across the Labs in support of the mission organizations. The organizational conflicts of interest mitigation strategy has enabled many programs to continue their work. An example of the program’s impact was the articulation and definition of interactions with University Research Association affiliate members, which allowed work with these universities to continue. The team also worked diligently to provide NNSA with assurance that NTESS is adequately mitigating organizational conflicts of interest risk.