Sandia News


Sandia has intentionally focused on advancing a diverse and inclusive work environment. Positive progress is reflected through the Laboratories, exceeding its Diversity Maturity Model Assessment target; establishing a diversity and inclusion organization with direct reporting responsibility to the Deputy Laboratories Director, the development and implementation of a Sandia Diversity Action Plan, and implementation of an annual on-site diversity conference week, which provides an opportunity for all members of the workforce to increase their awareness and competency on a variety of diversity and inclusion topics. (0040) All SMUs

Each citation is followed by the center numbers of centers that contributed most directly to the effort described. An acronym after each accomplishment indicates which of Sandia’s strategic management units (SMUs) or strategic management groups (SMGs) the work most directly supported.

The SMG/SMU acronyms are:

  • NW: Nuclear Weapons SMG & SMU
  • DS & A: Defense Systems & Assessments SMU
  • IHNS: International, Homeland, and Nuclear Security SMU
  • ECIS: Energy, Climate, and Infrastructure SMU
  • IES: Integrated Enabling Services SMU
  • SPP: Sandia Partnership Projects