Computational Mathematics. Biography Eric is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at the Computer Science Research Institute at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. His research focus is on simulation of multiphysics PDEs, advanced analysis techniques, scalable algorithms and scientific machine learning. Education PhD Computer Science, University of Illinois...
Staff Pages
Eric T. Phipps
Scalable Algorithms. Biography Eric joined Sandia National Laboratories in September 2002 and is currently a principal member of the technical staff in the Scalable Algorithms Department. Eric's research focuses on developing new capabilities for predictive simulation and analysis in Sandia’s large-scale parallel application codes using techniques based on automatic differentiation and...

Ernesto Esteves Prudencio
Computational Mathematics. Biography Ernesto has been working at Sandia since November of 2022. He is a computational mathematician with professional experience in industry (IBM/Brazil and Schlumberger/USA), academia (UT Austin), and national laboratories (ANL as summer student, SLAC, Sandia-NM). His background involves (i) linear algebra (domain decomposition and multigrid preconditioners; PETSc...

Felix Wang
Senior Member of Technical Staff. Biography Felix Wang is a Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. He has a background in artificial intelligence and signal processing, and he earned a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois...

Frances S. Chance
Cognitive & Emerging Computing. Biography My research focus is to understand how biological neural networks represent, transform, and transmit information in the brain. At Sandia Labs I use computational modeling and mathematical analysis of neurons and neural networks to understand the basic computations that underlie sensory processing and cognition.I am...

Gerald Fredrick Lofstead
Scalable System Software. Biography My research priority is to manage the data volume from scientific simulations to accelerate the scientific discovery process. To accomplish these goals, I work on issues related to managing the data created by simulations to the IO stack including the parallel file system and through online...

Gianluca Geraci
Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification. Biography Gianluca is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff in the Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification department at Sandia. His research interests span Uncertainty Quantification, Multi-Fidelity Modeling, Dimension Reduction, Design Under Uncertainty, and Data-Driven approaches. Gianluca’s work at Sandia focuses on the development of computational and...

Graham Bennett Harper
Computational Mathematics. Biography Graham's primary interests are fluid problems, finite element discretizations, multiscale, and multigrid methods. Education PhD in Mathematics - Colorado State UniversityAdvisor: James LiuCommittee: Wolfgang Bangerth, Stephen Guzik, Simon Tavener, Yongcheng ZhouBS in Mathematics - Colorado State University-PuebloMinors: Industrial Engineering, Honors, Leadership Studies Publications

James Aimone
Cognitive & Emerging Computing. Biography Dr. Brad Aimone is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories, where he is a lead researcher in leveraging computational neuroscience to advance artificial intelligence and in using neuromorphic computing platforms for future scientific computing applications....

James Brian Carleton
Computational Multiphysics. Biography I am a Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Computational Multiphysics Department. I work in both analyst and developer roles on the ALEGRA team.My background is in computational solid mechanics, and my main areas of interest center around computational modeling of multiphysics and multiscale systems and...

James G. Foucar
Software Engineering & Research. Biography James Foucar is currently an employee of Sandia National Labs working as a software developer. He has a wide variety of experience in the computing field: he spent time in academia, worked for many years as an intern at Sandia, and worked as a full-time...

James H. Laros
Scalable Computer Architecture. Biography James H. Laros III is a Distinguished Member of Technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Over his more than 30-year career to date, James has served the United States of America in a number of capacities beginning with four years active duty in the United States...

James R. Stewart
Computing Research. Biography Since March 2022, Jim has served as the Acting Director of Sandia’s Center for Computing Research. From 2017-2022, he served as the Senior Manager of the Computational Sciences and Math Group, and previously served as Manager of the Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Department and the Advanced Computational...

Jan Ciesko
Scalable Algorithms. Biography Jan Ciesko is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories in the scalable algorithms group. He holds a master’s degree in computer science from Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Germany and a Ph.D. from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech) in Spain. Jan works on programmability and...

Jennifer Ann Loe
Scalable Algorithms. Biography Jennifer Loe is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She completed her Ph.D. in mathematics at Baylor University in December 2019. In January 2020, she became a postdoc in the Scalable Algorithms department at Sandia and converted to full staff in February 2022. ...

Jesse James Lutz
Senior Member of Technical Staff. Biography Physical scientist interested in software development and high-throughput, high-performance computing for government-sponsored research in quantum chemistry and materials science. While always curious about exploring new areas of science, my record of publications documents a deep and diverse expertise in atomistic simulations. I am currently...

John A. Mitchell
Computational Multiscale. Brief Research and Project History Nonlinear solver algorithms and implementations for solid mechanics Engineering project management Technology maturation and assessment Constitutive model development (particularly Peridynamics) GPU programming Inverse problems Monte Carlo models for grain growth in metals Data analytics applied to metal material microstructures, insitu pyrometry data Microstructure...

John Adam Stephens
Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification. Biography Adam joined Sandia in 2013 as a senior member of technical staff. He currently works primarily as a developer of Dakota ( and leads the Dakota Mission Integration thrust, which is charged with bridging the gap between upstream R&D and ordinary Dakota users. Adam's research...

John Davis Jakeman
Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification. Biography I specialize in developing and utilizing machine learning methods for credible data-informed decision making. My experience lies in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. I am the founding developer of PyApprox which is a Python toolbox for machine learning, uncertainty quantification and design...

John Henry Judah Niederhaus
Computational Multiphysics. Biography Modeling and simulation research background: High-velocity and hyper-velocity impact. Pulsed power systems. Explosives. Exploding wires and spark discharges. Magnetohydrodynamics. Gas dynamics and shock-accelerated flows. Education 2007 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Engineering Physics - PhD2003 Pennsylvania State University, Nuclear Engineering - MS2001 Virginia Military Institute, Physics - BS Publications
John N. Shadid
Computational Mathematics. Biography I am a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in the Computational Mathematics Department at Sandia National Laboratories. I am also a National Laboratory Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Mexico. My research interests include: high performance computing, and parallel...

John Siirola
Discrete Math & Optimization. Biography John Siirola is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Discrete Math & Optimization Department at Sandia National Laboratories. His main areas of expertise are systems design, operations research, optimization modeling, and optimization algorithms. John’s research focuses on the intersection of computational tools with...

Jonathan J. Hu
Scalable Algorithms. Biography I am a Principal Member of the Technical Staff in the Scalable Algorithms Department at Sandia National Labs. My interests include scalable solution methods for linear systems, such as multigrid methods, preconditioning techniques for problems arising from uncertainty quantification, and solvers for advanced architectures. I am a...
Jonathan W. Berry
Discrete Math & Optimization. Biography Jonathan Berry is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and spent almost a decade in liberal arts academia before joining Sandia in 2004. He has led a variety of...

Joseph Lee Hart
Scientific Machine Learning. Biography Joseph is interested in quantifying, prioritzing, and mitigating uncertainty in large-scale optimization problems constrained by differential equations. His research spans numerical optimization, sensitivity analysis, inverse problems, optimal experimental design, and scientific machine learning in the service of outer loop analysis. Joseph focuses on finding and exploiting...

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