John Siirola
Discrete Math & Optimization

Discrete Math & Optimization
(505) 284-5419
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1326
John Siirola is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Discrete Math & Optimization Department at Sandia National Laboratories. His main areas of expertise are systems design, operations research, optimization modeling, and optimization algorithms. John’s research focuses on the intersection of computational tools with systems design and analysis; in particular, developing approaches for modeling highly structured systems, optimization algorithms that can exploit the expressed structure, and the application of these techniques to national security problems.
John has a B.S. from Purdue University (2000) and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University (2005), both in Chemical Engineering. He is a senior member of the AIChE, member of INFORMS, and member of the COIN-OR Foundation. John currently serves on the COIN-OR Technical Leadership Council and was co-chair of the 2014 Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) conference.
Qi Chen, Emma Johnson, David Bernal, Romeo Valentin, Sunjeev Kale, Johnny Bates, John Siirola, Ignacio Grossmann, (2022). Pyomo.GDP: an ecosystem for logic based modeling and optimization development Optimization and Engineering Publication ID: 77218
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2021). NMSBA Sustainable Engineering (Final Report) Publication ID: 77079
Edna Rawlings, Naresh Susarla, Jaffer Ghouse, Carl Laird, Miguel Zamarripa, Michael Bynum, John Siirola, David Miller, (2021). Conceptual Design Via Superstructure Optimization in Advanced Energy Systems Using IDAES Publication ID: 76576
Robert Parker, Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Lorenz Biegler, (2021). Diagnostic Tools for Dynamic Models of Chemical Process Systems in Pyomo.DAE Publication ID: 76698
Jordan Jalving, Jaffer Ghouse, Ben Knueven, S. Martin, Nicole Cortez, Gao Xian, John Siirola, David Miller, Alexander Dowling, (2021). Toward Future Energy Generation Systems: Multi-Scale Optimization with Market Interactions Publication ID: 76792
Jose Rodriguez, Robert Parker, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Michael Bynum, (2021). Scalable Parallel Nonlinear Optimization with PyNumero and Parapint Optimization Online Repository Publication ID: 75821
William Hart, Michael Bynum, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Andrea Staid, (2021). Large-scale Nonlinear Approaches for Inference of Reporting Dynamics and Unobserved SARS-CoV-2 Infections Publication ID: 75698
William Hart, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Bethany Nicholson, Jordan Jalving, Michael Bynum, (2021). A Critique of Optimization Modeling Environments for Complex Engineered Systems Publication ID: 75704
William Hart, Carl Laird, J. Rodriguez, John Siirola, Bethany Nicholson, (2021). Rethinking the C++ / Python Boundary in Modeling and Optimization Tools Publication ID: 79616
Carl Laird, Jean-Paul Watson, William Hart, John Siirola, Bethany Nicholson, (2021). Pyomo Tutorial Publication ID: 79618
Michael Bynum, Santiago Rodriguez, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, Jordan Jalving, John Siirola, Denis Ridzal, (2021). Scalable Parallel Nonlinear Optimization with PyNumero and Parapint Publication ID: 79451
Michael Bynum, Anya Castillo, Bernard Knueven, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2021). Decomposition Optimization-Based Bounds Tightening Problems Via Graph Partitioning Optimization Online Repository Publication ID: 77035
Michael Bynum, Gabriel Hackebeil, William Hart, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, David Woodruff, (2020). Pyomo – Optimization Modeling in Python 3rd Ed Publication ID: 72306
Xian Gao, Alexander Dowling, Bernard Knueven, John Siirola, (2020). Multi-scale Simulation of Energy Systems-Electricity Market Interactions Publication ID: 71684
Carl Laird, Michael Bynum, Anya Castillo, Bernard Knueven, John Siirola, (2020). Decomposing Optimization-Based Bounds Tightening Problems Via Graph Partitioning Publication ID: 71256
Michael Bynum, Anya Castillo, Francesco Ceccon, Bernard Knueven, Carl Laird, John Siirola, (2020). Coramin: An Open-Source Toolset for Developing MINLP Algorithms Publication ID: 71257
John Siirola, Alexander Dowling, (2020). Grid and Market Integration via Multi-Scale Approaches Publication ID: 71359
Francesco Ceccon, John Siirola, Ruth Misener, (2020). SUSPECT: MINLP special structure detector for Pyomo Optimization Letters Publication ID: 66250
Miranda Mundt, Aaron Levine, John Siirola, (2020). Overcoming Productivity Plateaus: A Story of Automation Tools and Developer Productivity Publication ID: 73957
John Siirola, Anthony Burgard, (2020). Applications Driving IDAES Process Systems Engineering Framework Capabilities Publication ID: 73019
John Siirola, (2020). Recent developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 73041
Michael Bynum, Andrea Castillo, Bernard Knueven, John Siirola, Carl Laird, (2019). Decomposing Optimization-Based Bounds Tightening Problems Via Graph Partitioning Publication ID: 66304
John Siirola, Bethany Nicholson, (2019). Recent developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 65938
J. Rodriguez, Bethany Nicholson, Michael Bynum, John Siirola, Victor Zavala, Carl Laird, (2019). Schur-complement and ADMM approaches for Time- Domain Decomposition in Optimization with PyNumero Publication ID: 70237
John Siirola, (2019). Recent Developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 67583
Bethany Nicholson, Carl Laird, John Siirola, (2019). Structured Modeling and Decomposition Methods in Pyomo Publication ID: 67243
William Hart, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Jose Rodriguez, (2019). Rethinking the C++ / Python Boundary in Modeling and Optimization Tools Publication ID: 64353
Jose Rodriguez, Gabriel Hackebeil, John Siirola, Victor Zavala, Carl Laird, (2019). Second-Order Multiplier Updates to Accelerate Admm Methods in Optimization Under Uncertainty Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Publication ID: 69771
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2018). Pyomo.DAE: A Framework for Modeling and Solving Dynamic Optimization Problems Publication ID: 60106
Josde Rodriguez, Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Carl Laird, (2018). PyNumero: Python Numerical Optimization Publication ID: 59923
William Hart, John Siirola, (2018). Some Perspectives on Testing and Continuous Integration for Open Source Software Publication ID: 59934
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2018). A framework for modeling and optimizing dynamic systems under uncertainty Computers and Chemical Engineering Publication ID: 54666
John Siirola, Jose Rodriguez, Bethany Nicholson, Victor Zavala, Carl Laird, (2018). Parallel Schur-complement and ADMM Decomposition Strategies for Dynamic Optimization Problems Publication ID: 62755
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, Victor Zavala, Lorenz Biegler, (2018). pyomo.dae: a modeling and automatic discretization framework for optimization with differential and algebraic equations Mathematical Programming Computation Publication ID: 54164
John Siirola, (2018). Introduction to Pyomo: The optimization foundation for IDAES Publication ID: 62394
Michael Bynum, William Hart, John Siirola, Michael Bynum, Bethany Nicholson, Carl Laird, David Woodruff, Jean-Paul Watson, (2018). Pyomo Workshop Summer 2018 Publication ID: 62450
Bethany Nicholson, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Andrew Lee, John Eslick, Jaffer Ghouse, David Thierry, Lorenz Biegler, Jose Rodriguez, (2018). Dynamic Modeling Optimization and Control Publication ID: 62232
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, Cristiana Lara, Ignacio Grossmann, (2018). Grid-level modeling: Opportunities and program plan Publication ID: 62302
Bethany Nicholson, David Thierry, Lorenz Biegler, John Eslick, Jaffer Ghouse, Carl Laird, Andrew Lee, Jose Rodriguez, John Siirola, (2018). Dynamics and Advanced Process Control Publication ID: 62127
Bethany Nicholson, Lorenz Biegler, John Eslick, Jaffer Ghouse, Carl Laird, Andrew Lee, John Siirola, David Thierry, (2018). Dynamic Optimization of Advanced Energy Systems Publication ID: 61001
John Siirola, (2018). Power Systems Process Systems and Equation-Oriented Optimization Publication ID: 61076
Selen Cremaschi, John Siirola, (2018). Solution Approaches to Stochastic Programming Problems under Endogenous and/or Exogenous Uncertainties Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Publication ID: 63010
Qi Chen, Emma Johnson, John Siirola, Ignacio Grossmann, (2018). Pyomo.GDP: Disjunctive Models in Python Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Publication ID: 62837
John Siirola, William Hart, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, Qi Chen, Grant Seastream, (2017). Rescent Developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 54319
John Siirola, (2017). Process Design and the EO Utopia Publication ID: 54091
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2017). A Framework for Modeling and Optimizing Complex Structured Problems Publication ID: 53973
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2017). A Framework for Modeling and Optimizing Dynamic Systems Under Uncertainty Publication ID: 53753
John Siirola, (2017). Equation Oriented Modeling and Optimization Publication ID: 53057
Carl Laird, John Siirola, Andrea Castillo, Michael Bynum, Jean-Paul Watson, (2017). Stochastic Optimization to Enhance Resiliency and Response Strategies in Critical Infrastructure Publication ID: 57990
John Siirola, Carl Laird, (2017). Extended Math Programming as a framework for CPS models and analysis Publication ID: 57389
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2017). Pyomo.DAE: A Python-based Framework for Dynamic Optimization Publication ID: 57164
John Siirola, (2017). Pyomo: Introdection & IDAES development Publication ID: 55344
William Hart, Carl Laird, Jean-Paul Watson, David Woodruff, Gabriel Hackebeil, Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2017). Pyomo – Optimization Modeling in Python 2nd Ed Publication ID: 55169
William Hart, John Siirola, (2017). Leveraging Model Composition in Pyomo Publication ID: 55216
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2017). A Framework for Modeling and Optimizing Dynamic Systems Under Uncertainty Publication ID: 52815
Stephen Jones, Alexander Outkin, Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Stephen Verzi, Daniel Tauritz, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, (2017). PLADD: Deterring Attacks on Cyber Systems and Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 52843
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2016). Optimization Modeling with Pyomo Publication ID: 47620
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Carl Laird, Victor Zavala, Jean-Paul Watson, Lorenz Biegler, (2016). Pyomo.dae: A Framework Enabling Rapid Development of Optimization Problems Constrained by Differential Equations Publication ID: 47627
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, (2016). A Framework for Modeling and Optimizing Dynamic Systems Under Uncertainty Publication ID: 47896
John Siirola, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, Jean-Paul Watson, William Hart, (2016). Recent developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 48032
Bethany Nicholson, John Siirola, Carl Laird, Victor Zavala, Jean-Paul Watson, Lorenz Biegler, (2016). Pyomo.dae: A Modeling and Automatic Discretization Framework for Dynamic Optimization Problems Publication ID: 52203
Bethany Nicholson, Bethany Nicholson, Victor Zavala, Victor Zavala, John Siirola, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, Jean-Paul Watson, Lorenz Biegler, Lorenz Biegler, (2016). Modeling Abstractions and Automatic Discretization Frameworks for Optimization Problems with Differential Equations in Pyomo Publication ID: 51479
Bethany Nicholson, Carl Laird, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, William Hart, (2016). Pyomo Tutorial Publication ID: 51797
John Siirola, William Hart, Carl Laird, Bethany Nicholson, Jean-Paul Watson, David Woodruff, (2016). New developments in Pyomo Publication ID: 51550
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, David Woodruff, (2016). Accelerating and automatic tuning for Progressive Hedging Publication ID: 51132
Alexander Outkin, Brandon Eames, Todd Jones, Eric Vugrin, Cynthia Phillips, Sarah Walsh, Jacob Hobbs, Jared Gearhart, John Siirola, Stephen Verzi, Asmeret Naugle, (2016). Stochastic Adversarial Modeling for Evaluating Trust in Systems and Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 50475
Alexander Outkin, Brandon Eames, Todd Jones, Eric Vugrin, Cynthia Phillips, Sarah Walsh, Jacob Hobbs, Jared Gearhart, John Siirola, Stephen Verzi, Asmeret Naugle, (2016). Stochastic Adversarial Modeling for Evaluating Trust in Systems and Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 50326
William Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, John Siirola, Richard Chen, (2016). Modeling Bilevel Programs in Pyomo Publication ID: 49343
Arpan Seth, Katherine Klise, John Siirola, Terranna Haxton, Carl Laird, (2016). Testing contamination source identification methods for water distribution networks Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Publication ID: 52949
Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, Stephen Jones, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, Alexander Outkin, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Daniel Tauritz, Stephen Verzi, (2016). A new scheduling problem motivated by moving-target cyberdefense Publication ID: 49068
John Siirola, (2015). Developing practical stochastic programming approaches to power grid operations and planning Publication ID: 46263
Stephen Jones, Alexander Outkin, Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Stephen Verzi, Daniel Tauritz, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, (2015). Evaluating Moving Target Defense with PLADD Publication ID: 45812
John Siirola, (2015). Pyomo: expressing mathematical programs and developing optimization solutions in Python Publication ID: 45339
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, David Woodruff, (2015). Monitoring and Accelerating Progressive Hedging with Cross-scenario Information Publication ID: 44354
William Hart, John Siirola, (2015). Modeling Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints in Pyomo Publication ID: 44384
William Hart, Richard Chen, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2015). Modeling Bilevel Programs in Pyomo Publication ID: 41216
John Siirola, William Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, (2015). Leveraging Model Transformations in Algebraic Modeling Systems Publication ID: 41197
Katherine Klise, John Siirola, Arpan Seth, Carl Laird, Terra Haxton, (2014). A Testing Framework for Contamination Source Identication Methods Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Publication ID: 39644
Jean-Paul Watson, Jia Kang, John Siirola, Carl Laird, (2014). Parallel solution of nonlinear contingency-constrained network problems Publication ID: 38480
Katherine Klise, John Siirola, David Hart, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Terranna Haxton, Regan Murray, Robert Janke, Thomas Taxon, Carl Laird, Arpan Seth, Gabriel Hackebeil, Shawn McGee, Angelica Mann, (2014). Water Security Toolkit User Manual Version 1.2 Publication ID: 38187
John Siirola, (2014). Parallel solution of nonlinear contingency-constrained network problems Publication ID: 40472
Jean-Paul Watson, John Siirola, (2014). Specification and Automatic Discretization of ODE and DAE Systems in an AML Publication ID: 40295
John Siirola, William Hart, (2014). Analyzing Structured Optimization Models with Automatic Transformations Publication ID: 40226
John Siirola, William Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Recent developents in Coopr Publication ID: 36375
John Siirola, Cesar Silva-Monroy, (2013). Progressive Hedging for Stochastic Economic Dispatch with AC Power Flow Publication ID: 35218
Cynthia Phillips, Ojas Parekh, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Hierarchical Parallel MIP Publication ID: 34984
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). PICO’s New Hierarchical Branch-and Bound System for Massively Parallel Integer Programming Publication ID: 35032
Cesar Silva-Monroy, John Siirola, (2013). Progressive Hedging for Stochastic Economic Dispatch with AC Power Flow Publication ID: 34401
John Siirola, Biliana Paskaleva, (2013). Using Surrogates to Calculate Sensitivities and Improve Optimization-Based Calibration Routines Publication ID: 34780
William Hart, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Using Python and the Algebraic Modeling Language Pyomo to Specify Solve and Analyze Mathematical Programs Publication ID: 34161
Katherine Klise, John Siirola, (2013). Optimization Solvers for a Hydraulic Response to a Water Distribution System Contamination Event Publication ID: 33682
John Siirola, (2013). Pairing Derivative-Free Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis Using a Hybrid Framework Publication ID: 33453
John Siirola, (2013). Using Hybrid Techniques to Perform Sensitivity Analysis During the Calibration Process Publication ID: 33758
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Progressive Hedging for Computationally Tractable Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Publication ID: 31410
John Siirola, (2012). Modeling and Optimization for the Electric Grid Publication ID: 30781
William Hart, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Critiquing Coopr?s Modeling and Analysis Environment Publication ID: 30598
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Using Python and the Algebraic Modeling Language Pyomo to Specify Solve and Analyze Mathematical Programs Publication ID: 30941
John Siirola, William Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). What?s New in Coopr: Modeling Complex Systems with Blocks Publication ID: 30711
Katherine Klise, William Hart, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Sean Mckenna, David Hart, Jonathan Berry, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Water security toolkit : Publication ID: 29884
John Siirola, (2012). Calculating and Using Sensitivity Information During Derivative-Free Optimization Routines Publication ID: 29587
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). PICO’s new hierarchical branch-and-bound system for massively parallel integer programming Publication ID: 29665
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Leveraging Block-Composable Optimization Modeling Environments for TransmissionSwitching and Unit Commitment Publication ID: 28913
Sean Mckenna, David Hart, John Siirola, (2012). Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Water Quality Models for Multi-Scenario Generation Publication ID: 28303
William Hart, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Modeling and Optimization of Block-Composable Mathematical Programs using Coopr Publication ID: 27330
William Hart, John Siirola, (2012). Getting Started with Coopr 3.1 Publication ID: 26889
John Siirola, Vincent Tidwell, Christina Warrender, James Morrow, Zachary Benz, (2012). Decision insight into stakeholder conflict for ERN Publication ID: 26092
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Modeling and Optimization of Superstructurebased Stochastic Programs for Risk-aware Decision Support Publication ID: 25898
Genetha Gray, William Hart, Patricia Hough, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Laura Swiler, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Optimization of large-scale heterogeneous system-of-systems models Publication ID: 26013
John Siirola, William Hart, (2011). COLIN: Optimization Infrastructure for Hybrid Algorithms Publication ID: 24993
Jean-Paul Watson, John Siirola, Sean Legg, (2011). A Stochastic Programming Approach for Gas Detector Placement in Process Facilities Publication ID: 24083
John Siirola, William Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, (2011). Tackling Large-scale Optimization Problems within a Python-based Modeling Environment (Pyomo) Publication ID: 23400
Richard Chen, Patricia Hough, Ali Pinar, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2011). Computational Challenges in Optimization for Electrical Grid Operations and Planning Publication ID: 22848
John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, William Hart, (2011). Evaluating Multiobjective Sensor Placements Publication ID: 22944
George Backus, Timothy Trucano, David Robinson, Brian Adams, Elizabeth Richards, John Siirola, Mark Boslough, Mark Taylor, Stephen Conrad, Andjelka Kelic, Jesse Roach, Drake Warren, Marissa Ballantine, William Stubblefield, Lillian Snyder, Ray Finley, Daniel Horschel, Mark Ehlen, Geoffrey Klise, Leonard Malczynski, Kevin Stamber, Vincent Tidwell, Vanessa Vargas, Aldo Zagonel, (2011). Assessing the Near-Term Risk of Climate Uncertainty:Interdependencies among the U.S. States Publication ID: 21841
Ali Pinar, Jean-Paul Watson, Patricia Hough, John Siirola, Genetha Gray, (2011). Computational Challenges in Optimization for Electrical Grid Operations and Planning Publication ID: 21990
John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, William Hart, (2010). Pyomo : Python Optimization Modeling Objects Publication ID: 20876
John Siirola, Brian Adams, Samuel Collis, Richard Griffith, Kyran Mish, Ali Pinar, (2010). Computational Needs for Design Optimization Control and Analysis of Energy Efficient Buildings Publication ID: 19049
John Siirola, Brian Adams, Samuel Collis, Richard Griffith, Kyran Mish, Ali Pinar, (2010). Computational Needs for Design Optimization Control and Analysis of Energy Efficient Buildings Publication ID: 19050
Jean-Paul Watson, John Siirola, (2010). Market Simulations for Evaluation of Regulatory Strategies Publication ID: 18818
John Siirola, (2010). Massively Multithreaded Discrete Event Simulation: Project status 28 April 2010 Publication ID: 18187
William Hart, John Siirola, (2010). The PyUtilib Component Architecture The Python Papers Publication ID: 17984
John Siirola, (2010). A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Framework for Energy Systems Modeling Simulation and Analysis Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research Publication ID: 18034
John Siirola, (2009). Current trends in parallel computation and the implications for modeling and optimization Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Publication ID: 16572
John Siirola, William Hart, James Overfelt, (2008). Proposal to the GNEP Advanced Fuel Cycle FOA – Simulation Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification of the Advanced Fuel Cycle Publication ID: 14265
John Siirola, William Hart, (2008). The Acro/COLIN Framework: Developing Flexible Optimization Interfaces for Parallel Hybrid and Dynamically-Configured Algorithms Publication ID: 13671
George Backus, David Strip, John Siirola, Mark Bastian, David Schoenwald, Karl Braithwaite, (2007). Accommodating complexity and human behaviors in decision analysis Publication ID: 12158
John Siirola, (2007). Agent-oriented Software Engineering for Simulation and Optimization Publication ID: 10878
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