Sandia University Partnerships Network

16 Results
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Enabling fully predictive simulations using disruptive computational mechanics and novel diagnostics

News Article, April 10, 2023 • Sandia Researcher Rekha Rao Accurately capturing solidification of fluids and the development of residual stress is critical for fully predictive simulations for numerous applications in geoscience, nuclear safety, manufacturing, energy production, and bioscience. Researchers on this LDRD project developed, implemented, and demonstrated advanced constitutive models with yield stress to represent...
A female engineer

Fin-ion tunable transistor for ultra-low power computing 

News Article, June 7, 2023 • Work on this project revealed fundamental principles of electrochemical random access memory and established a viable path toward its integration with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. Data-heavy workflows such as AI require in to increase system efficiency. Work on this memory computing, so this LDRD team focused on creating analog resistive nonvolatile...
NM - 218372 - Ulta Low Power Computing.png

Improving predictive capability in REHEDS simulations with fast, accurate, and consistent nonequilibrium material properties 

News Article, June 22, 2023 • Sandia scientist Stephanie Hansen was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society by its Division of Plasma Physics. (Photo by Randy Montoya) Predictive design of experiments in Radiation, Electrical, and High Energy Density Science (REHEDS) requires knowledge of material properties (e.g., equations of state (EOS), transport coefficients, and radiation physics). Interpreting...
Sandia scientist Stephanie Hansen

Materials science researcher is Sandia’s first outbound Faculty Loan joint appointee  

News Article, June 22, 2023 • Jonathan Pegues, a researcher in Sandia’s Coatings & Additive Manufacturing department, was approved to be the first formally approved Sandia outbound Faculty Loan joint appointee. Pegues’ joint appointment is an agreement between Sandia and Auburn University’s (AU) National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME). The NCAME is a collaborative effort...
Jonathan Pegues stands in front of a building of Auburn University

Optimizing machine learning decisions with prediction uncertainty

News Article, May 9, 2023 • Digital background depicting innovative technologies in (AI) artificial systems, neural interfaces and internet machine learning technologies While ML classifiers are widespread, output is often not part of a follow-on decision-making process because of lack of uncertainty quantification. Through this project, the team developed decision analysis methods that combined uncertainty estimates...
Digital background image of brain connectors

Predicting catastrophic failure and collapse in infrastructure

News Article, March 20, 2023 • The team, led by Sandia principal investigator Jessica Rimsza, developed new modeling capabilities for evaluating multiphase phenomena in cement-based materials in energy and infrastructure applications, a chemo-mechanical model for cement fracture, identified sources of uncertainty in cement degradation and concrete fracture, and created six new capabilities for modeling brittle fracture...
A large urban suspension bridge

Releasing, detecting, and modeling trace aerosols and gases in Earth’s stratosphere

News Article, May 1, 2023 • Proposed actions to reduce ever-increasing global temperatures include geoengineering the Earth’s climate by injecting matter into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight. This proposition, known as Solar Radiation Management, is based on global climate model studies averaged in space and time and Plinian-style volcanic eruptions observations from near-single points. By increasing...
The sun peering over the curvature of the Earth.

Researchers develop a tantalizing method to study cyberdeterrence

News Article, November 27, 2023 • TANTALUS — The online game simulates how success or failure is within a player’s reach. Experimental war gaming provides insightful data for real-world cyberattacks In Greek mythology, Tantalus was the king of Sipylus who so angered Zeus with his treachery that his punishment was to go thirsty and hungry while...
Three countries illustrated in a cyberdeterrence game

Revealing the kinetics of atmospheric corrosion damage through in-situ x-ray computed tomography and machine vision 

News Article, June 8, 2023 • In-situ XCT enables both the growth rate and morphology (yellow) of pits to be directly characterized in relationship to the evolving electrolyte (blue) and prior stages of pit morphology (black).  Atmospheric corrosion is a critical materials degradation problem, yet the ability to predict its kinetics remains elusive. Conventional approaches provide...

Smart materials for highly complex tags with environmental response 

News Article, June 22, 2023 • Cover of the Journal of the German Chemical Society Angewandte Chemie International Edition As counterfeiting methods become more sophisticated, countermeasures must be developed at the same pace. In this Sandia LDRD project, unique exemplars of next generation anticounterfeiting optical tags were developed that leverage the luminescent properties of materials for...
Cover of the Journal of the German Chemical Society Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Statistical earthquake models inform understanding of material degradation at the nanoscale

News Article, December 10, 2024 • Muscovite mica, used in many materials science applications, is known for its extremely flat and flaky layers, making it highly susceptible to hostile environmental conditions. (Photo by Anastasia Ilgen) Understanding how materials will interact with their environment is crucial when selecting components for engineering applications. To help inform material selection, geologists...

Stress intensity thresholds for development of reliable brittle materials 

News Article, June 22, 2023 • Cover of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society Brittle material failure can appear random and unpredictable at subcritical stresses. A fundamental understanding of how structural and environmental factors impact fracture propagation is necessary to predict fracture in these systems. Through this project, a physics-based model of glass fracture was...
The Journal of the American Ceramic Society featuring the Sandia research projects.

Understanding molecular-scale effects on fracture can inform resource extraction and help maintain the nation’s infrastructure 

News Article, June 8, 2023 • Three images show liquid nanoindentation setup, the indentation site, and water inside the crack tip in a molecular dynamics simulation. Subcritical fracture controls deformation and permeability of rocks and degradation of manmade materials. To further understand the chemical mechanisms controlling subcritical fracture, this three-year project created nanomechanical and continuum-scale mechanics...

Understanding the effects of radiation on reconfigurable phase change materials

News Article, June 22, 2023 • David Adams was elected Fellow and President of American Vacuum Society: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing in 2023. Chalcogenide thin films that undergo reversible phase changes show promise for next-generation nanophotonics, metasurfaces, and other emerging technologies. This general class of thin films can be switched rapidly between...
David Adams was elected Fellow and President of American Vacuum Society: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing in 2023.

Using nonlocal interface problem allows for 7x speedup in large-scale simulations

News Article, May 9, 2023 • Multimaterial problems exist in mission applications such as mechanics and subsurface transport. To capture effects arising from long-range forces at the microscale and mesoscale that aren’t accounted for by classical partial differential equations, the MAThematical foundations for Nonlocal Interface Problems (MATNIP) project team developed a mathematically rigorous interface theory employing...
Analytic solutions u 2D 0,0 for s = 0.4 and u 2D 1,1 for s = 0.6. The behaviour (3.17) close to the boundary is apparent.

Wide-bandgap semiconductors benefit from development of single-photo sources in gallium nitride 

News Article, June 8, 2023 • Single-photon sources based on atom-like features in solid-state materials offer the prospect for integrated, on-demand solid-state platforms and are being intensively explored for numerous mission-related quantum information technologies. Gallium nitride (GaN) is a very hard, mechanically stable wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor that permits devices to operate at much higher voltages, frequencies,...
A graphic showing a model of an atom over a wide-bandgap semiconductor