
Publications / Journal Article

Sound velocity, shear modulus, and shock melting of beryllium along the Hugoniot

McCoy, C.A.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Magnetically launched flyer plates were used to investigate the shock response of beryllium between 90 and 300 GPa. Solid aluminum flyer plates drove steady shocks into polycrystalline beryllium to constrain the Hugoniot from 90 to 190 GPa. Multilayered copper/aluminum flyer plates generated a shock followed by an overtaking rarefaction which was used to determine the sound velocity in both solid and liquid beryllium between 130 and 300 GPa. Disappearance of the longitudinal wave was used to identify the onset of melt along the Hugoniot and measurements were compared to density functional theory calculations to explore the proposed hcp-bcc transition at high pressure. The onset of melt along the Hugoniot was identified at ∼205GPa, which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. These results show no clear indication of an hcp-bcc transition prior to melt along the beryllium Hugoniot. Rather, the shear stress, determined from the release wave profiles, was found to gradually decrease with stress and eventually vanish at the onset of melt.