
Publications / SAND Report

Demonstration of MELCOR and MACCS Capabilities for Molten Salt Reactor Decay Heat Removal During both Normal Operations and Salt Spill Scenarios

Smith, Mariah L.; Leute, Jennifer E.; Wagner, Kenneth C.; Clavier, Kyle C.

This report provides a demonstration of MELCOR and MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS) capabilities to perform a dose assessment for a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) off-gas system. A primary containment system salt spill is used as the off-normal scenario, along with a normal operation dose assessment for comparison. This report discusses the tools, methods, and information used in this assessment so that it may be utilized as a starting point for future advanced reactor consequence analyses. This report also highlights several gaps, to include the need for reactor inventory information specific to advanced reactors, and the need for specific atmospheric transport models that take into account the unique deposition behaviors of tritium and carbon-14, and makes recommendations for closing these gaps. This report satisfies the DOE NE Milestone M4RD-21SN0601062.