Staff Pages

Results 76–100 of 103

Peter A. Schultz

Computational Multiscale. Projects/Research interests High-performance computing in atomistic materials science Development and application of high-performance atomistic materials simulations methods, particularly first principles quantum mechanics for extended (bulk and surface) systems. Quantum Electronic Structure Method Development: SeqQuest Principal developer of the QUEST suite of Gaussian-basis density functional theory (DFT) pseudopotential codes...

Peter Andrew Bosler

Computational Science. Biography My research develops numerical methods and accompanying software for coupled multiphysics/multiscale problems. Most recently I have been working with projects in the climate modeling and plasma physics application areas. I have experience with vortex methods, Lagrangian particle methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, Lagrangian/semi-Lagrangian transport schemes, and atmospheric aerosol...

Raymond Stephen Tuminaro

Computational Mathematics. Biography I'm interested in parallel iterative methods for linear systems, numerical linear algebra, eigenvalue problems, and parallel numerical software. Special interests in algebraic multigrid (e.g. smoothed aggregation), numerical solution of Maxwell's equations, incompressible Navier-Stokes, and block preconditioning. I have developed the Aztec iterative library as well as the...

Robert John Baraldi

Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification. Biography Bobby's research interests include: algorithms for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization, trust region algorithms, proximal algorithms, and PDE-constrained optimization. Bobby is also contributes to Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) and RegularizedOptimization package in Julia. Education Bobby earned his B.S. in Mathematics from North Carolina State University in...

Roger P. Pawlowski

Computational Science. Biography Principal Member of the Technical Staff in the Computational Science Department at Sandia National Laboratories. Research interests include: High performance computing and parallel algorithm development Numerical methods for multiple-time-scale nonlinear coupled PDEs Temporal and spatial discretizations of PDEs Physics applications including computational fluid dynamics, chemically reacting flows,...

Ron A. Oldfield

Scientific Machine Learning. Biography I am the manager for the Scientific Machine Learning department in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. I joined Sandia National Laboratories in 1992 as a student intern from the University of New Mexico. After receiving my B.S. from UNM in 1993, I...

Ron Brightwell

Scalable System Software. Activities Program Committee, 2024 IEEE Symposium on High Performance Interconnects (HotI'25)Organizing Committee, 2025 Workshop on Memory System, Management and Optimization (MEMO'24) at SC'24Vice Chair for Programming Models and System Software, 2025 Supercomputing Asia conference (SCA'25) Bio I received my BS in mathematics in 1991 and my MS...

Roscoe Bartlett

Software Engineering & Research. Biography Roscoe's professional interests are: Agile Software Engineering and Integration Processes for Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)Software Engineering for Large-Scale NumericsAgile build and testing of CSE software Education Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 2001 University of Maryland Baltimore County. B.S. Chemical Engineering,...

Ryan Dellana

Postdoc. Biography Dr. Ryan Dellana is a Postdoc in the department of Cognitive and Emerging Computing (1421). His primary interest is in developing Cognitive Architectures for robots. He is the creator and maintainer of the Cognitive Architecture Working Group (wg-CAWG), connecting people across all of SNL who share this interest....

Scott A. Mitchell

Computational Mathematics. For more detailed information about me, see my home page,

Scott Larson Nicoll Levy

Scalable System Software. Biography I am a Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Scalable System Software department of the Center for Computing Research (CCR). I research system software for next-generation extreme-scale systems. Specifically, I study the impact of system failures, and other sources of performance interference, on the execution...

Simon Garcia de Gonzalo

Scalable Computer Architecture. Biography Dr. Simon Garcia de Gonzalo is a senior member of technical staff in scalable computer architectures and exascale technologies. Simon currently is part of different projects/teams such as: Vanguard Advanced Architecture Prototype program and the Application Performance Team. Before joining Sandia National Laboratories in 2022 he...

Srideep Musuvathy

Cognitive and Emerging Computing. Biography Dr. Srideep Musuvathy is a Principal Member of Technical Staff in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. His research focuses on developing algorithms and co-design solutions for autonomous systems. At Sandia, his focus is on both machine learning, and algorithms and software...

Stephen Lecler Olivier

Scalable System Software. Biography My research focuses on run time systems and programming models for high performance computing, including issues in productivity, scalability, and power. Much of my work concerns support for efficient multithreading on the supercomputer node level, especially through the task-parallel programming model. I enjoy working with application...

Suma George Cardwell

Principal Member of Technical Staff. Biography Dr. Suma George Cardwell is a Principal Member of Technical Staff in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. She completed her PhD and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech, Atlanta in 2015 and 2011 respectively. She has over...

Teresa Portone

Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification. Biography Teresa joined Sandia in January 2020. Her research focuses on assessing and enhancing model prediction fidelity to inform high-consequence decisions for national security applications, especially in the presence of uncertainty. She has expertise in methods to characterize model-form uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, Bayesian methods, and multifidelity...

Thomas E. Voth

Computational Multiphysics. Biography Tom is a member of the Computational Multiphysics Department which is home to the ALEGRA multiphysics application. As a member of the ALEGRA team Tom has lead developments in contact/impact mechanics for explicit dynamics and remesh methods for Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian mechanics. Tom is also technical lead...

Thomas M. Smith

Computational Science. Biography My research and development interests center around two major topics. The first is discretizations of PDEs for unstructured grids such as; finite element, finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin methods. The second topic is modeling and simulation fluid flows such as; incompressible, compressible, turbulent, reacting, wave propagation and...

Tian Yu Yen

Scientific Machine Learning. Biography Tian Yu joined Sandia as a postdoc in 2021. His current research focuses on methods of aleotoric and epistemic uncertainty quantification for inverse problems as well as techniques for quantifiying uncertainty in machine learning algorithms. He has a background is in measure-theoretic inversion, Bayesian inference, and...

Timothy Michael Wildey

Scientific Machine Learning. Biography Tim joined Sandia National Labs in January, 2011 following a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are finite element and finite volume methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, hybridized discretizations, a posteriori error analysis and estimation, uncertainty quantification, adjoint methods, multiphysics and...

V. Gregory Weirs

Computational Science. Biography I am a Senior Member of the Technical Staff in the Computational Science Department. My expertise by training is computational fluid dynamics for compressible reacting flows, and these remain at the core of my recent projects. At Sandia I have also focused on verification and validation (V&V)...

Vitus J. Leung

Discrete Math & Optimization. Biography Research Interests: On-line Algorithms Computational Complexity Analysis of Algorithms Graph Theory Combinatorics Publications

Wayne Witzel

Quantum Computer Science. Biography My primary research is in quantum information.  I have pioneered cluster expansion methods for calculating the decoherence rate of a spin qubit in the presence of impurity nuclear and electron spins.  I've also studied dynamical decoupling strategies in this context.  I've broadened my research into more...
Results 76–100 of 103