
Publications / SAND Report

GenSpec: A Genetic Algorithm for Neutron Energy Spectrum Adjustment

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.

Presented in this report is the description of a new method for neutron energy spectrum adjustment which uses a genetic algorithm to minimize the difference between calculated and measured reaction probabilities. The measured reaction probabilities are found using neutron activation analysis. The method adjusts a trial spectrum provided by the user which is typically calculated using a neutron transport code such as MCNP. Observed benefits of this method over currently existing methods include the reduction in unrealistic artefacts in the spectral shape as well as a reduced sensitivity to increases in the energy resolution of the derived spectrum. This report presents the adjustment results for various spectrum altering bucket environments in the central cavity of the Annular Core Research Reactor, as well as the adjustment results for the spectrum in the Sandia Pulse Reactor III. In each case, the results are compared to those generated using LSL-M2, which is a code commonly used for the purpose of spectrum adjustment. The genetic algorithm produces spectrum-averaged reaction probabilities with agreement to measured values, and comparable to those resulting from LSL-M2. The true benefit to this method, the reduction of shape artefacts in the spectrum, is difficult to quantify but can be clearly seen in the comparison of the final adjustments. Beyond these preliminary results, this report also gives a thorough description of the genetic algorithm and presents instructions for running the code using the graphical user interface. In its present state, the code does not provide uncertainties or correlations for the adjusted spectrum. This capability is currently being added, and will be presented in future work.