
Publications / SAND Report

Elucidating Hydrogen Reaction-Induced Water Desorption from Oxide-Passivated Metal Surfaces for Plasma Applications

Cochrane, Kyle C.; Goeke, Ronald G.; Wilson, Alex &.; Leung, Kevin L.

Elucidating the mechanisms responsible for sub-microsecond desorption of water and other impurities from electrode surfaces at high heating rates is crucial for understanding pulsed power behavior. Ionization of desorbed impurities in the vacuum regions causes power or current loss; devising methods to limit such desorption during the short time scale of pulsed power is needed to improve corresponding applications. Previous molecular modeling studies have strongly suggested that, under high vacuum conditions, the amount of water impurity desorbing from oxide surfaces on metal electrodes is at a sub-monolayer level at room temperature, which appears insufficient to explain observed pulsed power energy losses at high current densities. In this work, we apply Density Functional Theory (DFT) techniques to show that hydrogen trapped inside iron metal can diffuse into hematite (α-Fe2O3) on the metal surface, ultimately reacting with the oxide to form Fe(II) and H2O. The latter desorbs at elevated temperature and may explain the anomalous amount of desorbed impurity inferred from pulsed-power experiments. We also apply a suite of characterization techniques to demonstrate that when iron metal is heated to 650 °C, the dominant surface oxide component becomes α-Fe2O3. The oxide facets exposed are found to be a mixture of (0001), (10-10), and others, in agreement with the DFT models used.