In GPS-denied environments, gravity aided navigation assists inertial navigation systems through terrestrial map matching, and high-performance inertial sensors reduce reliance on GPS. However, the miniaturization and ruggedization of quantum gravity and inertial sensors are still needed for multiple platforms operating under harsh conditions. The broad and deep applied science and engineering expertise at Sandia has enabled a multidisciplinary approach to a novel solution that addresses this national security challenge.
- “High-performance silicon photonic single-sideband modulators for cold-atom interferometry,” Science Advances 10, eade4454 (2024).
- “A Compact Cold-Atom Interferometer with a High Data-Rate Grating Magneto-Optical Trap and a Photonic-Integrated-Circuit-Compatible Laser System,” Nature Communications 13, 5131 (2022).
- “Characterization of Suspended Membrane Waveguides towards a Photonic Atom Trap Integrated Platform,” Optics Express 29, 13129-13140 (2021).
- “Demonstration of a MOT in a sub-millimeter membrane hole,” Scientific Report 11, 8807 (2021).
- “A passively pumped vacuum package sustaining cold atoms for more than 200 days,” AVS Quantum Science 3, 035001 (2021).
- “Silicon Photonic Single-Sideband Generation with Dual-Parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulators,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper STh4N.6.
- “Dual-axis high-data-rate atom interferometer via cold ensemble exchange,” Phys. Rev. Applied 2, 054012 (2014).
- “High data-rate atom interferometer for measuring acceleration,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 011106 (2012).
- “Hybrid Inertial Navigation System and Method,” US Patent 12038285 (7/16/2024).
- “Guided Cold Atom Inertial Sensors with Membrane Integrated Photonics on Atom Trap Integrated Platforms,” US Patent 11971256 (4/30/2024).
- “Suspended Waveguides on Membrane and Needle Structures towards Atom Trap Integrated Platforms,” US Patent 11914188 (2/27/2024).
- “Passively Pumped, Polycrystalline Ceramic High and Ultra-High Vacuum Chambers,” US Patent 11766651 (9/26/2023).
- “Compact Laser Source with Frequency Modulators Generating Multiple Lines,” US Patent 11545815 (1/3/2023).
- “Light-pulse atom interferometric device,” US Patent 9291508 (3/22/2016).
- “High data rate atom interferometric device,” US Patent 9086429 (7/21/2015).
- “High data-rate atom interferometers through high recapture efficiency,” US Patent 8941053 (1/27/2015).
- “Compact Atom Interferometry Inertial Navigation Sensors with Tailored Diffractive Optics” (SD 15237).
- “Compact Grating-Based Magneto-Optical Trap Sensor Head for Cold Atom Inertial Sensors in Dynamic Environments” (SD 15234).