Sandia LabNews

Detecting quark nuggets, a candidate for extreme ball lightning and dark matter

Thirteen years ago, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Science and Technology Pace VanDevender retired from Sandia to become an 18th-century style “gentleman physicist.” He wanted to understand two mysteries before he died: puzzling electromagnetic signals observed on the Los Alamos-Sandia FORTE satellite and extreme ball lightning.

Florida gator savors watermelon

Sandia has a special allure for manager and University of Florida alumnus Marie Kane. The national security mission, engaging work, friendly culture and excellent work/life balance are all factors that brought Kane not once, but twice to Sandia’s door.

Sandia engineer receives top honor

Sandia researcher Brandon Heimer has been selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 24th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium. The academy called Brandon one of 84 of the nation’s “top-notch” engineers performing exceptional engineering research and technical work in a variety of disciplines.