
This page contains the latest RSTT model as well as several historic models. It will be updated as new models are published. All models are in GeoTess format.

Latest Model

pdu202009Du – This model is the same as pdu2020012Du; however, due to under-the-hood changes in v3.2.0, the previous model introduced in v3.1.0 is no longer supported. This model is supported by GeoTess version 2.6.0+, and it will be the new format of model going forward. This is the standard model included with RSTT v3.2.0.

Older models are also still supported—support has been removed only for the v3.1.0 format.

Model Archive

pdu2020012Du – An RSTT model including path-dependent uncertainties (PDU). This model was made using a dataset of 112,168 events and over 14 million arrivals sourced from a combination of U.S. national laboratories, seismological centers, regional and local bulletins from across the globe, and contributions by participants from training and capacity-building workshops sponsored by the CTBTO/PTS. The previous model (rstt201404um) was used as a starting model, events were relocated using Bayesloc, and to optimize results for use with the global IMS stations of the CTBTO/PTS, phase arrivals in common with the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) were preferentially weighted. Generated April 2020. This model is the default model included with RSTT v3.1.0.

rstt201404um – Same as the rstt2014 model (see below) but with updates to the Pg and Lg uncertainty values and an update to the integration of crust and Moho depths in South America (Assumpção et al., 2013). Generated July 2016.

rstt201404 – A global RSTT model generated using the Pn, Sn, Pg, Lg phases where data allowed. Generated April 2014.

rstt.2.3 – An RSTT model generated using the Pn, Sn, Pg, and Lg phases in Eurasia and Pn in North America. Generated October 2010.

llnl8Sb – The original RSTT model generated using the Pn phase in Eurasia. Generated January 2007.

Crustal Model

The original RSTT model was defined with the CRUST 2.0 model for the crust overlying the upper mantle velocity and gradient. Since then the crust has been updated to the CRUST 1.0 model which allows for more accuracy. Additional refinements come from a variety of sources including local and regional seismological centers and participants of CTBTO/PTS-sponsored workshops.