Usage Examples

Hack to get CSS to work This is a bad hack to get CSS styles to work within the SNL template

In the usage_examples directory in the source code package, there is one example program for each of the languages supported by RSTT.


Each example program performs the same set of tasks and is written to be as simple as possible with extensive commenting. These programs are meant to be a starting point from which users may explore the documentation and write their own code.

To view these code examples online, click to expand one of the sections below

 // include statements #include "SlbmInterface.h"  // RSTT library #include "SLBMException.h"  // RSTT error catching #include <iostream>         // print to terminal #include <string>           // strings #include <cmath>            // math functions and constants  // define some constants for converting between degrees<-->radians double DEG_PER_RAD = 180.0 / M_PI; double RAD_PER_DEG = M_PI / 180.0;  // declare namespace (for convenience) using namespace slbm;  // main program int main() {     // wrap everything in a `try-catch` block     try     {         // declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using         string modelPath = "../models/pdu202009Du.geotess";          // choose an arbitrary phase (Pn, Pg, Sn, or Lg)         string phase = "Pn";          // arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)         double srcLatDeg =   35.0274;  // latitude (degrees)         double srcLonDeg = -111.0228;  // longitude (degrees)         double srcDepKm  =    1.2345;  // depth (km)          // arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)         double rcvLatDeg =   35.1053;  // latitude (degrees)         double rcvLonDeg = -106.6294;  // longitude (degrees)         double rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000;  // depth (km)          // convert lat/lon from degrees to radians         double srcLatRad = srcLatDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;         double srcLonRad = srcLonDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;         double rcvLatRad = rcvLatDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;         double rcvLonRad = rcvLonDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;          // instantiate an RSTT object         SlbmInterface slbm;          // load the velocity model         slbm.loadVelocityModel(modelPath);          // create a great circle from source to the receiver         slbm.createGreatCircle(phase,             srcLatRad, srcLonRad, srcDepKm,             rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad, rcvDepKm);          // get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver         double distRad, distDeg, travelTimeSec;  // instantiate variables         slbm.getDistance(distRad);               // compute distance (rad) and store its value         slbm.getTravelTime(travelTimeSec);       // compute travel time (sec) and store its value         distDeg = distRad * DEG_PER_RAD;         // convert radians --> degrees          // get the travel time uncertainty         double travelTimeUncertSec,    // path-dependent travel time uncertainty (sec)                travelTime1DUncertSec;  // old-style 1D travel time uncertainty (sec)         slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty(travelTimeUncertSec);      // compute uncertainty         slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty1D(travelTime1DUncertSec);  // compute 1D uncertainty          // print our results         cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << endl              << "C++ Example:" << endl              << "--------------------------------" << endl              << "Distance:          " << setw(9) << distDeg << " deg" << endl              << "Travel Time:       " << setw(9) << travelTimeSec << " sec" << endl              << "Uncertainty:       " << setw(9) << travelTimeUncertSec << " sec" << endl              << "Uncertainty (1D):  " << setw(9) << travelTime1DUncertSec << " sec" << endl              << endl;      }      // catch possible exceptions     catch (const SLBMException& e)     {         // print the exception         cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl              << e.emessage << endl;          // return with error         cout << "Exited with error code " << 1 << endl;         return e.ecode;      }     catch (const GeoTessException& e)     {         // print the exception         cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl              << e.emessage << endl;          // return with error         cout << "Exited with error code " << e.ecode << endl;         return e.ecode;      }     catch (...)     {         // print the exception         cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl              << "ERROR: An unidentified error has occurred." << endl;          // return with error         cout << "Exited with error code " << 1 << endl;         return 1;     }      // return successfully     return 0;  } 
 // include statements #include "slbm_C_shell.h"  // RSTT C library #include <stdio.h>         // print to terminal #include <math.h>          // math functions and constants #include <stdlib.h>        // needed for exit codes  // define some constants for converting between degrees<-->radians double DEG_PER_RAD = 180.0 / M_PI; double RAD_PER_DEG = M_PI / 180.0;   // error catching function void try(int errorCode) {     // if there is an error code (i.e., function returns anything other than 0)     if (errorCode != 0)     {         // initialize a character array to hold error messages         char errorMsg[1000];          // get the error message         slbm_shell_getErrorMessage(errorMsg);          // print the error message         printf("ERROR %d:%s\n", errorCode, errorMsg);          // exit with the error code         exit(errorCode);      }  }   // main program int main() {     // declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using     char* modelPath = "../models/pdu202009Du.geotess";      // choose an arbitrary phase (Pn, Pg, Sn, or Lg)     char* phase = "Pn";      // arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)     double srcLatDeg =   35.0274;  // latitude (degrees)     double srcLonDeg = -111.0228;  // longitude (degrees)     double srcDepKm  =    1.2345;  // depth (km)      // arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)     double rcvLatDeg =   35.1053;  // latitude (degrees)     double rcvLonDeg = -106.6294;  // longitude (degrees)     double rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000;  // depth (km)      // convert lat/lon from degrees to radians     double srcLatRad = srcLatDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;     double srcLonRad = srcLonDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;     double rcvLatRad = rcvLatDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;     double rcvLonRad = rcvLonDeg * RAD_PER_DEG;      // instantiate an RSTT object     try(slbm_shell_create());      // load the velocity model     try(slbm_shell_loadVelocityModel(modelPath));      // create a great circle from source to the receiver     try(slbm_shell_createGreatCircle(phase,         &srcLatRad, &srcLonRad, &srcDepKm,         &rcvLatRad, &rcvLonRad, &rcvDepKm));      // get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver     double distRad, distDeg, travelTimeSec;         // instantiate variables     try(slbm_shell_getDistance(&distRad));          // compute distance (rad) and store its value     try(slbm_shell_getTravelTime(&travelTimeSec));  // compute travel time (sec) and store its value     distDeg = distRad * DEG_PER_RAD;                // convert radians --> degrees      // get the travel time uncertainty     double travelTimeUncertSec,    // path-dependent travel time uncertainty (sec)            travelTime1DUncertSec;  // old-style 1D travel time uncertainty (sec)     try(slbm_shell_getTTUncertainty(&travelTimeUncertSec));      // compute uncertainty     try(slbm_shell_getTTUncertainty1D(&travelTime1DUncertSec));  // compute 1D uncertainty      // print our results     printf("\n"            "C Example:\n"            "--------------------------------\n"            "Distance:          %9.4f deg\n"            "Travel Time:       %9.4f sec\n"            "Uncertainty:       %9.4f sec\n"            "Uncertainty (1D):  %9.4f sec\n"            "\n",            distDeg, travelTimeSec, travelTimeUncertSec, travelTime1DUncertSec);      // return successfully     return 0;  } 
 ! module that contains some various useful constants and definitions module constants      ! import modern fortran kinds (real32/64, int8/16/32, etc.)     use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env      ! turn off f77 "feature" forcing counter variables (ijklmn) to be int     implicit none      ! define various variable types     integer, parameter :: SP = real32  ! single-precision floating point     integer, parameter :: DP = real64  ! double-precision floating point     integer, parameter :: I1 = int8    !  8 bit (1 byte)  integer     integer, parameter :: I2 = int16   ! 16 bit (2 bytes) integer     integer, parameter :: I4 = int32   ! 32 bit (4 bytes) integer      ! pi     real(DP), parameter :: PI_DP = 4._DP * atan (1._DP)  ! double-precision      ! define some constants for converting between degrees<-->radians         real(DP), parameter :: DEG_PER_RAD = 180._DP / PI_DP  ! degrees per radian     real(DP), parameter :: RAD_PER_DEG = PI_DP / 180._DP  ! radians per degree   end module constants  ! module that contains useful error checking code module error_checking      ! import the useful constants we've defined     use constants      ! turn off f77 "feature" forcing counter variables (ijklmn) to be int     implicit none      ! subroutine/function block     contains      ! error catching function     subroutine catch(errorCode)          ! define errorCode as an integer and is an input variable         integer(I4), intent(in) :: errorCode          ! declare a character array to hold our error message         character(len=1024) :: errorMsg          ! check if there is an error code (if it's not 0 or 1)         if (errorCode /= 0 .AND. errorCode /= 1) then              ! get the error message             call slbm_get_error_message( errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg) )              ! print the error message             print '(a,i0,a)', "ERROR ", errorCode, ":"             print '(a)', errorMsg              ! exit the program with error             stop 1          endif      end subroutine catch      end module error_checking   ! main progran program main      ! import statements     use constants       ! some useful constants we've defined     use error_checking  ! error checking functions      ! turn off f77 "feature" forcing counter variables (ijklmn) to be int     implicit none      ! declare a whole bunch of variables     integer(I4)        :: errorCode  ! integer error code     character(len=80)  :: modelPath  ! /path/to/model_file     integer(I4)        :: phase      ! phase id     real(DP) :: srcLatDeg, srcLonDeg, srcDepKm,  &  ! source location                 rcvLatDeg, rcvLonDeg, rcvDepKm      ! receiver location     real(DP) :: srcLatRad, srcLonRad,  &  ! source location (radians)                 rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad      ! source location (radians)     real(DP) :: distDeg, distRad,      &  ! source <--> receiver distance                 travelTimeSec,         &  ! travel time (sec) from source --> receiver                 travelTimeUncertSec,   &  ! path-dependent travel time uncertainty (sec)                 travelTime1DUncertSec     ! old-style 1D travel time uncertainty (sec)      ! declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using     modelPath = "../models/pdu202009Du.geotess"      ! choose an arbitrary phase (Pn=0, Sn=1, Pg=2, or Lg=3)     phase = 0      ! arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)     srcLatDeg =   35.0274_DP  ! latitude (degrees)     srcLonDeg = -111.0228_DP  ! longitude (degrees)     srcDepKm  =    1.2345_DP  ! depth (km)      ! ! arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)     rcvLatDeg =   35.1053_DP  ! latitude (degrees)     rcvLonDeg = -106.6294_DP  ! longitude (degrees)     rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000_DP  ! depth (km)      ! convert lat/lon from degrees to radians     srcLatRad = srcLatDeg * rad_per_deg     srcLonRad = srcLonDeg * rad_per_deg     rcvLatRad = rcvLatDeg * rad_per_deg     rcvLonRad = rcvLonDeg * rad_per_deg      ! instantiate an RSTT object     call slbm_create(errorCode)     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error      ! load the velocity model     call slbm_load_velocity_model(trim(modelPath), len_trim(modelPath), errorCode)     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error      ! create a great circle from source to the receiver     call slbm_create_great_circle(phase,  &         srcLatRad, srcLonRad, srcDepKm,   &          rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad, rcvDepKm,   &         errorCode)     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error      ! get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver     call slbm_get_distance(distRad, errorCode)           ! compute distance (rad) and store its value     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error     call slbm_get_travel_time(travelTimeSec, errorCode)  ! compute travel time (sec) and store its value     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error     distDeg = distRad * DEG_PER_RAD  ! convert radians --> degrees      ! get the travel time uncertainty     call slbm_get_tt_uncertainty(travelTimeUncertSec, errorCode)      ! compute uncertainty     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error     call slbm_get_tt_uncertainty1d(travelTime1DUncertSec, errorCode)  ! compute 1D uncertainty     call catch(errorCode)  ! check if the previous function returned an error      ! print our results     print '(a)', ""     print '(a)', "Fortran Example:"     print '(a)', "--------------------------------"     print '(a,f9.4,a)', "Distance:          ", distDeg, " deg"     print '(a,f9.4,a)', "Travel Time:       ", travelTimeSec, " sec"     print '(a,f9.4,a)', "Uncertainty:       ", travelTimeUncertSec, " sec"     print '(a,f9.4,a)', "Uncertainty (1D):  ", travelTime1DUncertSec, " sec"     print '(a)', ""      ! return successfully     return  end program main 
 // import statements import;  // file, path, and environment variable stuff import static java.lang.Math.*;  // mathematics (degrees<-->radians) import gov.sandia.gnem.slbmjni.SlbmInterface;  // RSTT library import gov.sandia.gnem.slbmjni.SLBMException;  // RSTT error catching   // main class public class java_example {     // annoyingly long method which will run at startup and try to load slbmjni,     // first from the system paths, then by searching environment variables     // ($RSTT_ROOT, $RSTT_HOME, $SLBM_ROOT, $SLBM_HOME). this also has to take     // into account multiple possible file extensions on MacOS (.dylib, .jnilib)     static     {         // first we'll just try and load the library         try         {             System.loadLibrary("slbmjni");         }          // if that didn't work, we'll start checking environmental variables         catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e)         {             // get the filename of the library we're looking for             String libName = System.mapLibraryName("slbmjni");  // e.g., ""             String libBase = libName.split("\\.")[0];  // file basename             String libExt  = libName.split("\\.")[1];  // file extension              // make our list of env vars to search, in preferred order             String envVars[] = {"RSTT_ROOT", "RSTT_HOME", "SLBM_ROOT", "SLBM_HOME"};              // initialize a boolean for when the library has loaded. if we have             // successfully loaded it, we'll end the whole method             boolean jniLoaded = false;              // loop through each environment variable and look for slbmjni             for (String env : envVars)             {                 // try and get the environment variable                 String rootDir = System.getenv(env);                  // move on if it wasn't set                 if (rootDir == null)                     continue;                  // first check if libName exists                 if (new File(rootDir + "/lib/" + libBase + "." + libExt).exists())                     System.load(rootDir + "/lib/" + libBase + "." + libExt);  // load it                  // if that file doesn't exist, look for libslbmjni.jnilib                 else if (new File(rootDir + "/lib/" + libBase + ".jnilib").exists())                     System.load(rootDir + "/lib/" + libBase + ".jnilib");  // load it                  // if that doesn't exist, we'll move onto the next variable                 else                     continue;                  // we made it this far, so we must have loaded the library!                 jniLoaded = true;  // set our boolean to true                 break;             // break out of the loop              }              // if, we still haven't loaded slbmjni, throw a helpful error message             if (!jniLoaded)             {                 // append some helpful info to the error message                 String errMsg = e.getMessage() + " or [$RSTT_ROOT/lib, $RSTT_HOME/lib, $SLBM_ROOT/lib, $SLBM_HOME/lib]";                  // make a new UnsatisfiedLinkError with our updated message                 UnsatisfiedLinkError ex = new UnsatisfiedLinkError(errMsg);                  // print out the stacktrace, some helpful info, and exit                 ex.printStackTrace();                 System.out.println("Did you try adding '-Djava.library.path=\"/path/to/rstt/lib\"' to your 'java' command?");                 System.out.println("Alternatively, set $RSTT_ROOT, $RSTT_HOME, $SLBM_ROOT, or $SLBM_HOME environment variables.");                 System.exit(1);             }         }     }      // main method     public static void main(String args[])     {         // wrap everything in a `try-catch` block         try         {             // declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using             String modelPath = "../models/pdu202009Du.geotess";              // choose an arbitrary phase (Pn, Pg, Sn, or Lg)             String phase = "Pn";              // arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)             double srcLatDeg =   35.0274;  // latitude (degrees)             double srcLonDeg = -111.0228;  // longitude (degrees)             double srcDepKm  =    1.2345;  // depth (km)              // arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)             double rcvLatDeg =   35.1053;  // latitude (degrees)             double rcvLonDeg = -106.6294;  // longitude (degrees)             double rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000;  // depth (km)              // convert lat/lon from degrees to radians             double srcLatRad = toRadians(srcLatDeg);             double srcLonRad = toRadians(srcLonDeg);             double rcvLatRad = toRadians(rcvLatDeg);             double rcvLonRad = toRadians(rcvLonDeg);              // instantiate an RSTT object             SlbmInterface slbm = new SlbmInterface();              // load velocity model             slbm.loadVelocityModel(modelPath);              // create a great circle from source to the receiver             slbm.createGreatCircle(phase,                 srcLatRad, srcLonRad, srcDepKm,                 rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad, rcvDepKm);              // get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver             double distRad, distDeg, travelTimeSec;  // instantiate variables             distRad       = slbm.getDistance();      // compute distance (rad) and store its value             travelTimeSec = slbm.getTravelTime();    // compute travel time (sec) and store its value             distDeg       = toDegrees(distRad);      // convert radians --> degrees              // get the travel time uncertainty             double travelTimeUncertSec,    // path-dependent travel time uncertainty (sec)                    travelTime1DUncertSec;  // old-style 1D travel time uncertainty (sec)             travelTimeUncertSec   = slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty();    // compute uncertainty             travelTime1DUncertSec = slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty1D();  // compute 1D uncertainty              // print our results             System.out.format("\n");             System.out.format("Java Example:\n");             System.out.format("--------------------------------\n");             System.out.format("Distance:          %9.4f deg\n", distDeg);             System.out.format("Travel Time:       %9.4f sec\n", travelTimeSec);             System.out.format("Uncertainty:       %9.4f sec\n", travelTimeUncertSec);             System.out.format("Uncertainty (1D):  %9.4f sec\n", travelTime1DUncertSec);             System.out.format("\n");          }          // catch possible exceptions         catch (SLBMException e)         {             // print info about the exception and exit             e.printStackTrace();             System.exit(1);         }          // catch other exceptions         catch (Exception e)         {             // print info about the exception and exit             e.printStackTrace();             System.exit(1);         }          // return successfully         System.exit(0);      }  } 
 #!/usr/bin/env python3  # first try and import rstt. if that fails, search the environment variables # for the appropriate path and try and import from there. try:     import rstt  # it looks like importing failed. try searching paths from environment variables for the module except ModuleNotFoundError:     import os, sys                                                  # import some required modules     for d in ('RSTT_ROOT', 'RSTT_HOME', 'SLBM_ROOT', 'SLBM_HOME'):  # list of env vars to check, in order         if os.getenv(d):                                            # if the environmental var is set             sys.path.append(os.getenv(d) + "/lib")                  # add to the start of the module search path          # try and import rstt again     try:         import rstt      # if it still fails, raise an exception with a helpful error message     except ModuleNotFoundError as e:         e.msg += ". Have you set $RSTT_ROOT, $SLBM_ROOT, or installed RSTT with pip?"         raise e from None   # main program if __name__ == "__main__":      # wrap everything in a try-except block     try:          # declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using         modelPath = "../models/pdu202009Du.geotess"          # choose an arbitrary phase (Pn, Pg, Sn, or Lg)         phase = "Pn"          # arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)         srcLatDeg =   35.0274  # latitude (degrees)         srcLonDeg = -111.0228  # longitude (degrees)         srcDepKm  =    1.2345  # depth (km)          # arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)         rcvLatDeg =   35.1053  # latitude (degrees)         rcvLonDeg = -106.6294  # longitude (degrees)         rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000  # depth (km)          # convert lat/lon from degrees to radians         srcLatRad = rstt.deg2rad(srcLatDeg)         srcLonRad = rstt.deg2rad(srcLonDeg)         rcvLatRad = rstt.deg2rad(rcvLatDeg)         rcvLonRad = rstt.deg2rad(rcvLonDeg)          # instantiate an RSTT object         slbm = rstt.SlbmInterface()          # load the velocity model         slbm.loadVelocityModel(modelPath)          # create a great circle from source to the receiver         slbm.createGreatCircle(phase,             srcLatRad, srcLonRad, srcDepKm,             rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad, rcvDepKm)          # get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver         travelTimeSec = slbm.getTravelTime()   # compute travel time (sec)         distRad       = slbm.getDistance()     # compute distance (rad)         distDeg       = rstt.rad2deg(distRad)  # convert radians --> degrees          # get the travel time uncertainty         travelTimeUncertSec   = slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty()    # compute uncertainty         travelTime1DUncertSec = slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty1D()  # compute 1D uncertainty          # print our results         print(             "\n" +             "Python Example\n" +             "--------------------------------\n" +             "Distance:            {:7.4f} deg\n".format(distDeg) +             "Travel Time:         {:7.4f} sec\n".format(travelTimeSec) +             "Uncertainty:         {:7.4f} sec\n".format(travelTimeUncertSec) +             "Uncertainty (1D):    {:7.4f} sec\n".format(travelTime1DUncertSec) +             "\n"             )      # catch possible exceptions     except Exception as e:          # raise the error we just caught         raise(e)