
  • Multiple femtosecond, picosecond, nanosecond and CW lasers spanning < 190 nm and exceeding 10 mm for interrogating dynamic plasma and reactive environments.
    • LCIF for electron densities and LIF-Dip for electric fields.
    • 2D-CARS and SFG for gas and surface phase interrogation
    • Multi-pulse (10 kHz to 100 kHz) laser cluster for high speed LIF and Rayleigh
  • High speed imaging capabilities from <200 ps gated cameras, multi-frame framing cameras and high-speed CMOS cameras.
  • VUV and FTIR spectrometers for spectroscopy.
  • High resolution tandem and molecular beam mass spectroscopy for interrogating gas phase chemistries occurring in multi-atmosphere.

Broad range of plasma generating capabilities spanning vacuum to atmospheric pressures and beyond.

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Theoretical/Computational LTP Capabilities

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  • Aleph and EMPIRE
    • Massively parallel LTP simulation capability employing PIC-DSMC methods, extensive chemistry (excitation, ionization, recombination), and photonic processes
    • Employed broadly for simulation of sheath phenomena and discharge in vacuum, low pressures, atmospheric pressure, and higher pressures
    • Current development interests are in surface material models and managing complex chemistry (e.g., collisional air)
    • EMPIRE is a next generation capability under development, with electromagnetics, hybrid fluid models, and heterogeneous architecture support (e.g., GPUs)
  • Aria is a multiphase fluid simulation capability being extended to highly collisional plasmas (high energy arc faults).