Engineering Environment

The CASoS Engineering Environment supports all aspects of the CASoS engineering effort by providing integrated platforms for CASoS engineers to engage in conceptual design, modeling, simulation, analysis, education, training, communication and collaboration. Computational and human resources are brought together through Framework principles and techniques, enabled by the Environment, to design, test and implement solutions to CASoS problems.

The CASoS Engineering Environment (diagrammed in the figure linked to the image at right) illustrates the overlapping platforms for Conceptualization, Analysis and Design; Modeling and Simulation; and Knowledge Storage and Transfer.

Image of engineering_env_2sm
  • Conceptualization, Analysis, and Design (upper circle) focuses on CASoS Engineers and analytical processes. A community of practice is developed in which CASoS can be defined, researched and analyzed. The process of CASoS Engineering, as described by the Framework, is implemented here.
  • The Modeling and Simulation Environment (lower left circle) forms the cornerstone of computational capability required to implement the analysis process.
  • Knowledge Storage and Transfer (lower right) organizes the information gained from analyses, captures the wisdom gained from Applications and formulates it in ways that can be relevant to other problems.

All elements of the Environment are connected through Applications, which provide the opportunity to implement solutions and drive capability development. The Environment instantiates the core principles and processes defined by the Framework, supports the creation of Applications and captures the knowledge and experiences gained for potential reuse.

The current structure and state of the CASoS Engineering Environment are provided in the CASoS Engineering Environment Version 1.0 report.