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CASoS Engineering Design Process Phase 1

The process of defining an application space moves analysts from the blackboard to the details of potential solution pathways, identifying:

  1. The CASoS of interest
  2. The Aspirations (Predict, Prevent or Cause, Prepare, Monitor, Control, and Recover or Change)
  3. Appropriate conceptual models (including required data)
  4. Testing to understand and compare aspirations

Possible methods, theories and fields of contribution include analogy, dimensional analysis and similitude, experimental design, system dynamics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, complex adaptive systems, game theory, percolation phenomena, agent-based modeling, networks, system optimization and control, and many others.

A taxonomy of problems and approaches to their solutions is unfolding from this activity.

If analysts are satisfied that the CASoS definition, conceptual model and aspiration selections match the needs of the problem holder, move on to Phase 2: Designing and Testing Solutions. Otherwise, iterate within this phase to refine components.


Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASoS) Engineering: Mapping Aspirations to Problem Solutions [PDF]

CASoS Engineering 1.0 [PDF]

CASoS Engineering Applications 1.0 [PDF]

CASoS Engineering Framework 1.0 [PDF]

CASoS Engineering Environment 1.0 [PDF]