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MPI Sessions: Leveraging runtime infrastructure to increase scalability of applications at exascale

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Holmes, Daniel; Mohror, Kathryn; Grant, Ryan E.; Skjellum, Anthony; Schulz, Martin; Bland, Wesley; Squyres, Jeffrey M.

MPI includes all processes in MPI COMM WORLD; this is untenable for reasons of scale, resiliency, and overhead. This paper offers a new approach, extending MPI with a new concept called Sessions, which makes two key contributions: a tighter integration with the underlying runtime system; and a scalable route to communication groups. This is a fundamental change in how we organise and address MPI processes that removes well-known scalability barriers by no longer requiring the global communicator MPI COMM - WORLD.

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NiMC: Characterizing and Eliminating Network-Induced Memory Contention

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2016

Groves, Taylor G.; Grant, Ryan E.; Arnold, Dorian

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is expected to be an integral communication mechanism for future exascale systems - enabling asynchronous data transfers, so that applications may fully utilize all CPU resources while simultaneously sharing data amongst remote nodes. We examined this network-induced memory contention (NiMC), the interactions between RDMA and the memory subsystem when applications and out-of-band services compete for memory resources, and NiMC's resulting impact on application-level performance. For a range of hardware technologies and HPC workloads, we quantified NiMC and show that NiMC's impact grows with scale resulting in up to 3X performance degradation at scales as small as 8K processes even in applications that previously have been shown to be performance resilient in the presence of noise. We also evaluated three potential techniques to reduce NiMC's performance impact, namely hardware offloading, core reservation and software-based network throttling. While all three of these solutions show promise, we provide guidelines that help select the best solution for a given environment.

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RMA-MT: A Benchmark Suite for Assessing MPI Multi-threaded RMA Performance

Proceedings - 2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, CCGrid 2016

Dosanjh, Matthew D.; Groves, Taylor G.; Grant, Ryan E.; Brightwell, Ronald B.; Bridges, Patrick G.

Reaching Exascale will require leveraging massive parallelism while potentially leveraging asynchronous communication to help achieve scalability at such large levels of concurrency. MPI is a good candidate for providing the mechanisms to support communication at such large scales. Two existing MPI mechanisms are particularly relevant to Exascale: multi-threading, to support massive concurrency, and Remote Memory Access (RMA), to support asynchronous communication. Unfor-tunately, multi-threaded MPI RMA code has not been extensively studied. Part of the reason for this is that no public benchmarks or proxy applications exist to assess its performance. The contributions of this paper are the design and demonstration of the first available proxy applications and micro-benchmark suite for multi-threaded RMA in MPI, a study of multi-threaded RMA performance of different MPI implementations, and an evaluation of how these benchmarks can be used to test development for both performance and correctness.

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Overcoming challenges in scalable power monitoring with the power API

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2016

Grant, Ryan E.; Levenhagen, Michael; Olivier, Stephen L.; Debonis, David; Pedretti, Kevin; Laros, James H.

Power will be a first-class operating constraint for Exascale computing. In order to manage power consumption of systems, measurement and control methods need to be developed. While several approaches have been developed by hardware manufacturers, they are vendor-specific and in some cases implementation-specific interfaces. Integrating all of the individual device level measurement and control functionality in a single system is a difficult task that requires system specific code. Sandia National Laboratories, in collaboration with many industry and academic partners, has developed a Power API specification, consisting of a broad range of interfaces spanning from low-level hardware to platform management and accounting. In order for many of the interfaces to be useful, especially at large scale, measurement data must be collected and control directives must be distributed in a scalable manner. This paper details the challenges of providing large scale power measurement and control and the scalable collection and control distribution architecture that is being integrated into the Power API reference implementation.

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High Performance Computing - Power Application Programming Interface Specification

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Grant, Ryan E.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; DeBonis, David D.; Laros, James H.

Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [13, 3, 5, 10, 4, 21, 19, 16, 7, 17, 20, 18, 11, 1, 6, 14, 12]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager.

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High Performance Computing - Power Application Programming Interface Specification

Laros, James H.; Kelly, Suzanne M.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Grant, Ryan E.; Olivier, Stephen L.; Levenhagen, Michael J.; DeBonis, David D.; Laros, James H.

Measuring and controlling the power and energy consumption of high performance computing systems by various components in the software stack is an active research area [131, 3, 5, 11), 4, a, B, Ili, 7, T71,, a 11 11, 1, 6, IA, ]112]. Implementations in lower level software layers are beginning to emerge in some production systems, which is very welcome. To be most effective, a portable interface to measurement and control features would significantly facilitate participation by all levels of the software stack. We present a proposal for a standard power Application Programming Interface (API) that endeavors to cover the entire software space, from generic hardware interfaces to the input from the computer facility manager. KC

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Overtime: A tool for analyzing performance variation due to network interference

Proceedings of the 3rd ExaMPI Workshop at the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015

Grant, Ryan E.; Pedretti, Kevin P.; Gentile, Ann C.

Shared networks create unique challenges in obtaining con-sistent performance across jobs for large systems when not using exclusive system-wide allocations. In order to provide good system utilization, resource managers allocate system space to multiple jobs. These multiple independent node al-locations can interfere with each other through their shared network. This work provides a method of observing and measuring the impact of network contention due to interfer-ence from other jobs through a continually running bench-mark application and the use of network performance coun-Ters. This is the first work to measure network interfer-ence using specially designed benchmarks and network per-formance counters.

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Preparing for exascale: Modeling MPI for Many-core systems using fine-grain queues

Proceedings of the 3rd ExaMPI Workshop at the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015

Bridges, Patrick G.; Dosanjh, Matthew D.; Grant, Ryan E.; Skjellum, Anthony; Farmer, Shane; Brightwell, Ronald B.

This paper presents a fine-grain queueing model of MPI point-To-point messaging performance for use in the design and analysis of current and future large-scale computing sys-Tems. In particular, the model seeks to capture key perfor-mance behavior of MPI communication on many-core sys-Tems. We demonstrate that this model encompasses key MPI performance characteristics, such as short/long proto-col and offoad/onload protocol tradeos, and demonstrate its use in predicting the potential impact of architectural and software changes for many-core systems on communication performance. In addition, we also discuss the limitations of this model and potential directions for enhancing its fi-delity.

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Re-evaluating network Onload vs. Offload for the many-core era

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Dosanjh, Matthew D.; Grant, Ryan E.; Bridges, Patrick G.; Brightwell, Ronald B.

This paper explores the trade-offs between on-loaded versus offloaded network stack processing for systems with varying CPU frequencies. This study explores the differences of onload and offload using experiments run at different DVFS settings to change the frequency, while measuring performance and power. This allows for a quantitative comparison of the the performance and power and trade-offs between onload and offload cards, with a wide range of CPU performances. The results show that there is often a significant performance increase in using offloaded cards especially at lower CPU frequencies, with only a small increase in power usage. This study also uses MPI profiling to analyze why some applications see a larger benefit than others. This paper's contributions are an analytical, quantitative analysis of the trade-offs between onload and offload. While there has been debate to this question, this is the first, to the authors' knowledge, analytical evaluation of the performance difference. The range of frequencies analyzed give insight on how this MPI might perform on different architectures, such as the low frequency, many-core CPUs. Finally, the power measurements allow for the study to provide further depth in the analysis.

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Power Aware Dynamic Provisioning of HPC Networks

Groves, Taylor G.; Grant, Ryan E.

Future exascale systems are under increased pressure to find power savings. The network, while it consumes a considerable amount of power is often left out of the picture when discussing total system power. Even when network power is being considered, the references are frequently a decade or older and rely on models that lack validation on modern inter- connects. In this work we explore how dynamic mechanisms of an Infiniband network save power and at what granularity we can engage these features. We explore this within the context of the host controller adapter (HCA) on the node and for the fabric, i.e. switches, using three different mechanisms of dynamic link width, frequency and disabling of links for QLogic and Mellanox systems. Our results show that while there is some potential for modest power savings, real world systems need to improved responsiveness to adjustments in order to fully leverage these savings. This page intentionally left blank.

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ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone #5325: Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime System Analysis and Assessment for Next Generation Platforms

Baker, Gavin M.; Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Bova, S.W.; franko, ken f.; Gamell, Marc G.; Grant, Ryan E.; Hammond, Simon D.; Hollman, David S.; Knight, Samuel K.; Kolla, Hemanth K.; Lin, Paul L.; Olivier, Stephen O.; Sjaardema, Gregory D.; Slattengren, Nicole L.; Teranishi, Keita T.; Wilke, Jeremiah J.; Bennett, Janine C.; Clay, Robert L.; kale, laxkimant k.; Jain, Nikhil J.; Mikida, Eric M.; Aiken, Alex A.; Bauer, Michael B.; Lee, Wonchan L.; Slaughter, Elliott S.; Treichler, Sean T.; Berzins, Martin B.; Harman, Todd H.; humphreys, alan h.; schmidt, john s.; sunderland, dan s.; Mccormick, Pat M.; gutierrez, samuel g.; shulz, martin s.; Gamblin, Todd G.; Bremer, Peer-Timo B.

Abstract not provided.

Results 76–100 of 130
Results 76–100 of 130