
140 Results
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Demonstrate multi-turbine simulation with hybrid-structured / unstructured-moving-grid software stack running primarily on GPUs and propose improvements for successful KPP-2

Bidadi, Shreyas B.; Brazell, Michael B.; Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas B.; Henry de Frahan, Marc T.; Lee, Dong H.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Moser, Robert D.; Rood, Jon R.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Williams, Alan B.; Sprague, Michael A.

The goal of the ExaWind project is to enable predictive simulations of wind farms comprised of many megawatt-scale turbines situated in complex terrain. Predictive simulations will require computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for which the mesh resolves the geometry of the turbines, capturing the thin boundary layers, and captures the rotation and large deflections of blades. Whereas such simulations for a single turbine are arguably petascale class, multi-turbine wind farm simulations will require exascale-class resources.

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Harnessing exascale for whole wind farm high-fidelity simulations to improve wind farm efficiency

Crozier, Paul C.; Adcock, Christiane A.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Brazell, Michael B.; Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas B.; Henry de Frahan, Marc T.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Moser, Bob M.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Rood, Jon R.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Williams, Alan B.; Wilson, Robert V.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Sprague, Michael S.

Abstract not provided.

FY2021 Q4: Demonstrate moving-grid multi-turbine simulations primarily run on GPUs and propose improvements for successful KPP-2 [Slides]

Adcock, Christiane A.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Brazell, Michael B.; Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas B.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Moser, Bob M.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Rood, Jon R.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Williams, Alan B.; Wilson, Robert V.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Sprague, Michael S.

Isocontours of Q-criterion with velocity visualized in the wake for two NREL 5-MW turbines operating under uniform-inflow wind speed of 8 m/s. Simulation performed with the hybrid-Nalu-Wind/AMR-Wind solver.

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Demonstrate moving-grid multi-turbine simulations primarily run on GPUs and propose improvements for successful KPP-2

Adcock, Christiane A.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Berget-Vergiat, Luc B.; Brazell, Michael B.; Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas B.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Moser, Bob M.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Rood, Jon R.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Williams, Alan B.; Wilson, Robert V.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Sprague, Michael S.

The goal of the ExaWind project is to enable predictive simulations of wind farms comprised of many megawatt-scale turbines situated in complex terrain. Predictive simulations will require computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for which the mesh resolves the geometry of the turbines, capturing the thin boundary layers, and captures the rotation and large deflections of blades. Whereas such simulations for a single turbine are arguably petascale class, multi-turbine wind farm simulations will require exascale-class resources.

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ExaWind: Exascale Predictive Wind Plant Flow Physics Modeling

Sprague, Michael S.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Binyahib, Roba B.; Brazell, Michael B.; de Frahan, Marc H.; King, Ryan N.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Rood, Jon R.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Cheung, Lawrence C.; Dement, David C.; deVelder, Nathaniel d.; Glaze, D.J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Lee, Dong H.; Matula, Neil M.; Okusanya, Tolulope O.; Overfelt, James R.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Smith, Timothy A.; Vo, Johnathan V.; Williams, Alan B.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Turner, William J.; Prokopenko, Andrey P.; Wilson, Robert V.; Moser, &.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Sitaraman, &.

Abstract not provided.

ExaWind: Exascale Predictive Wind Plant Flow Physics Modeling

Sprague, M.S.; Ananthan, S.A.; Brazell, M.x.; Glaws, A.G.; De Frahan, M.D.; King, R.K.; Natarajan, M.N.; Rood, J.R.; Sharma, A.L.; Sirydowicz, K.S.; S., Thomas S.; Vijaykumar, G.V.; Yellapantula, S.Y.; Crozier, Paul C.; Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Cheung, Lawrence C.; Glaze, D.J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Lee, Dong H.; Okusanya, Tolulope O.; Overfelt, James R.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Smith, Timothy A.; Vo, Johnathan V.; Williams, Alan B.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Turner, J.H.; Prokopenko, A.P.; Wilson, R.W.; Moser, R.M.; Melvin, J.M.; Sitaraman, J S.

Abstract not provided.

MueLu User's Guide

Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Glusa, Christian A.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Matthias, Mayr M.; Andrey, Prokopenko A.; Tobias, Wiesner T.

This is the official user guide for MUELU multigrid library in Trilinos version 12.13 (Dev). This guide provides an overview of MUELU, its capabilities, and instructions for new users who want to start using MUELU with a minimum of effort. Detailed information is given on how to drive MUELU through its XML interface. Links to more advanced use cases are given. This guide gives information on how to achieve good parallel performance, as well as how to introduce new algorithms Finally, readers will find a comprehensive listing of available MUELU options. Any options not documented in this manual should be considered strictly experimental.

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Deploy threading in Nalu solver stack

Prokopenko, Andrey P.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Swirydowicz, Kasia S.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Williams, Alan B.; Sprague, Michael S.

The goal of the ExaWind project is to enable predictive simulations of wind farms composed of many MW-scale turbines situated in complex terrain. Predictive simulations will require computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for which the mesh resolves the geometry of the turbines, and captures the rotation and large deflections of blades. Whereas such simulations for a single turbine are arguably petascale class, multi-turbine wind farm simulations will require exascale-class resources. The primary code in the ExaWind project is Nalu, which is an unstructured-grid solver for the acousticallyincompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and mass continuity is maintained through pressure projection. The model consists of the mass-continuity Poisson-type equation for pressure and a momentum equation for the velocity. For such modeling approaches, simulation times are dominated by linear-system setup and solution for the continuity and momentum systems. For the ExaWind challenge problem, the moving meshes greatly affect overall solver costs as re-initialization of matrices and re-computation of preconditioners is required at every time step In this Milestone, we examine the effect of threading on the solver stack performance against flat-MPI results obtained from previous milestones using Haswell performance data full-turbine simulations. Whereas the momentum equations are solved only with the Trilinos solvers, we investigate two algebraic-multigrid preconditioners for the continuity equations: Trilinos/Muelu and HYPRE/BoomerAMG. These two packages embody smoothed-aggregation and classical Ruge-Stiiben AMG methods, respectively. In our FY18 Q2 report, we described our efforts to improve setup and solve of the continuity equations under flat-MPI parallelism. While significant improvement was demonstrated in the solve phase, setup times remained larger than expected. Starting with the optimized settings described in the Q2 report, we explore here simulation performance where OpenMP threading is employed in the solver stack. For Trilinos, threading is acheived through the Kokkos abstraction where, whereas HYPRE/BoomerAMG employs straight OpenMP. We examined results for our mid-resolution baseline turbine simulation configuration (229M DOF). Simulations on 2048 Haswell cores explored the effect of decreasing the number of MPI ranks while increasing the number of threads. Both HYPRE and Trilinos exhibited similar overal solution times, and both showed dramatic increases in simulation time in the shift from MPI ranks to OpenMP threads. This increase is attributed to the large amount of work per MPI rank starting at the single-thread configuration. Decreasing MPI ranks, while increasing threads, may be increasing simulation time due to thread synchronization and start-up overhead contributing to the latency and serial time in the model. These result showed that an MPI+OpenMP parallel decomposition will be more effective as the amount per MPI rank computation per MPI rank decreases and the communication latency increases. This idea was demonstrated in a strong scaling study of our low-resolution baseline model (29M DOF) with the Trilinos-HYPRE configuration. While MPI-only results showed scaling improvement out to about 1536 cores, engaging threading carried scaling improvements out to 4128 cores — roughly 7000 DOF per core. This is an important result as improved strong scaling is needed for simulations to be executed over sufficiently long simulated durations (i.e., for many timesteps). In addition to threading work described above, the team examined solver-performance improvements by exploring communication-overhead in the HYPRE-GMRES implementation through a communicationoptimal- GMRE algorithm (CO-GMRES), and offloading compute-intensive solver actions to GPUs. To those ends, a HYPRE mini-app was allow us to easily test different solver approaches and HYPRE parameter settings without running the entire Nalu code. With GPU acceleration on the Summitdev supercomputer, a 20x speedup was achieved for the overall preconditioner and solver execution time for the mini-app. A study on Haswell processors showed that CO-GMRES provides benefits as one increases MPI ranks.

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ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone #6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE

Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Kramer, Richard M.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Phillips, Edward G.; Ober, Curtis C.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Swan, Matthew S.; Kalashnikova, Irina; Phipps, Eric T.; Conde, Sidafa C.; Cyr, Eric C.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Kordenbrock, Todd H.; Levy, Scott L.; Templet, Gary J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lin, Paul L.; Glusa, Christian A.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Glass, Micheal W.

This report documents the outcome from the ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone 6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE. This Milestone is an assessment of the EMPIRE (ElectroMagnetic Plasma In Realistic Environments) application and three software components. The assessment focuses on the electromagnetic and electrostatic particle-in-cell solu- tions for EMPIRE and its associated solver, time integration, and checkpoint-restart components. This information provides a clear understanding of the current status of the EMPIRE application and will help to guide future work in FY19 in order to ready the application for the ASC ATDM L 1 Milestone in FY20. It is clear from this assessment that performance of the linear solver will have to be a focus in FY19.

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Decrease time-to-solution through improved linear-system setup and solve

Hu, Jonathan J.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Dohrmann, Clark R.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Domino, Stefan P.; Williams, Alan B.; Sprague, Michael S.

The goal of the ExaWind project is to enable predictive simulations of wind farms composed of many MW-scale turbines situated in complex terrain. Predictive simulations will require computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for which the mesh resolves the geometry of the turbines, and captures the rotation and large deflections of blades. Whereas such simulations for a single turbine are arguably petascale class, multi-turbine wind farm simulations will require exascale-class resources. The primary code in the ExaWind project is Nalu, which is an unstructured-grid solver for the acoustically-incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and mass continuity is maintained through pressure projection. The model consists of the mass-continuity Poisson-type equation for pressure and a momentum equation for the velocity. For such modeling approaches, simulation times are dominated by linear-system setup and solution for the continuity and momentum systems. For the ExaWind challenge problem, the moving meshes greatly affect overall solver costs as re-initialization of matrices and re-computation of preconditioners is required at every time step We describe in this report our efforts to decrease the setup and solution time for the mass-continuity Poisson system with respect to the benchmark timing results reported in FY18 Q1. In particular, we investigate improving and evaluating two types of algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioners: Classical Ruge-Stfiben AMG (C-AMG) and smoothed-aggregation AMG (SA-AMG), which are implemented in the Hypre and Trilinos/MueLu software stacks, respectively. Preconditioner performance was optimized through existing capabilities and settings.

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Decrease time-to-solution through improved linear-system setup and solve

Hu, Jonathan J.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Dohrmann, Clark R.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Domino, Stefan P.; Williams, Alan B.; Sprague, Michael S.

The goal of the ExaWind project is to enable predictive simulations of wind farms composed of many MW-scale turbines situated in complex terrain. Predictive simulations will require computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for which the mesh resolves the geometry of the turbines, and captures the rotation and large deflections of blades. Whereas such simulations for a single turbine are arguably petascale class, multi-turbine wind farm simulations will require exascale-class resources.

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Ensemble Grouping Strategies for Embedded Stochastic Collocation Methods Applied to Anisotropic Diffusion Problems

SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification

D'Elia, Marta D.; Phipps, Eric T.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Previous work has demonstrated that propagating groups of samples, called ensembles, together through forward simulations can dramatically reduce the aggregate cost of sampling-based uncertainty propagation methods [E. Phipps, M. D'Elia, H. C. Edwards, M. Hoemmen, J. Hu, and S. Rajamanickam, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017), pp. C162--C193]. However, critical to the success of this approach when applied to challenging problems of scientific interest is the grouping of samples into ensembles to minimize the total computational work. For example, the total number of linear solver iterations for ensemble systems may be strongly influenced by which samples form the ensemble when applying iterative linear solvers to parameterized and stochastic linear systems. In this paper we explore sample grouping strategies for local adaptive stochastic collocation methods applied to PDEs with uncertain input data, in particular canonical anisotropic diffusion problems where the diffusion coefficient is modeled by truncated Karhunen--Loève expansions. Finally, we demonstrate that a measure of the total anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient is a good surrogate for the number of linear solver iterations for each sample and therefore provides a simple and effective metric for grouping samples.

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Modernization and optimization of a legacy open-source CFD code for high-performance computing architectures

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Gel, Aytekin; Hu, Jonathan J.; Ould-Ahmed-Vall, El M.; Kalinkin, Alexander A.

Legacy codes remain a crucial element of today's simulation-based engineering ecosystem due to the extensive validation process and investment in such software. The rapid evolution of high-performance computing architectures necessitates the modernization of these codes. One approach to modernization is a complete overhaul of the code. However, this could require extensive investments, such as rewriting in modern languages, new data constructs, etc., which will necessitate systematic verification and validation to re-establish the credibility of the computational models. The current study advocates using a more incremental approach and is a culmination of several modernization efforts of the legacy code MFIX, which is an open-source computational fluid dynamics code that has evolved over several decades, widely used in multiphase flows and still being developed by the National Energy Technology Laboratory. Two different modernization approaches,‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’, are illustrated. Preliminary results show up to 8.5x improvement at the selected kernel level with the first approach, and up to 50% improvement in total simulated time with the latter were achieved for the demonstration cases and target HPC systems employed.

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Ifpack2 User's Guide 1.0

Prokopenko, Andrey V.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Hoemmen, Mark F.; Klinvex, Alicia M.

This is the definitive user manual for the I FPACK 2 package in the Trilinos project. I FPACK 2 pro- vides implementations of iterative algorithms (e.g., Jacobi, SOR, additive Schwarz) and processor- based incomplete factorizations. I FPACK 2 is part of the Trilinos T PETRA solver stack, is templated on index, scalar, and node types, and leverages node-level parallelism indirectly through its use of T PETRA kernels. I FPACK 2 can be used to solve to matrix systems with greater than 2 billion rows (using 64-bit indices). Any options not documented in this manual should be considered strictly experimental .

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Reducing communication costs for sparse matrix multiplication within algebraic multigrid

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Ballard, Grey B.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Hu, Jonathan J.

We consider the sequence of sparse matrix-matrix multiplications performed during the setup phase of algebraic multigrid. In particular, we show that the most commonly used parallel algorithm is often not the most communication-efficient one for all of the matrix-matrix multiplications involved. By using an alternative algorithm, we show that the communication costs are reduced (in theory and practice), and we demonstrate the performance benefit for both model (structured) and more realistic unstructured problems on large-scale distributed-memory parallel systems. Our theoretical analysis shows that we can reduce communication by a factor of up to 5.4 for a model problem, and we observe in our empirical evaluation communication reductions of factors up to 4.7 for structured problems and 3.7 for unstructured problems. These reductions in communication translate to run-time speedups of factors up to 2.8 and 2.5, respectively.

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Towards extreme-scale simulations for low mach fluids with second-generation trilinos

Parallel Processing Letters

Lin, Paul L.; Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Domino, Stefan P.; Fisher, Travis C.; Hoemmen, Mark F.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Phipps, Eric T.; Prokopenko, Andrey V.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Kennon, Stephen

Trilinos is an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. While Trilinos was originally designed for scalable solutions of large problems, the fidelity needed by many simulations is significantly greater than what one could have envisioned two decades ago. When problem sizes exceed a billion elements even scalable applications and solver stacks require a complete revision. The second-generation Trilinos employs C++ templates in order to solve arbitrarily large problems. We present a case study of the integration of Trilinos with a low Mach fluids engineering application (SIERRA low Mach module/Nalu). Through the use of improved algorithms and better software engineering practices, we demonstrate good weak scaling for up to a nine billion element large eddy simulation (LES) problem on unstructured meshes with a 27 billion row matrix on 524,288 cores of an IBM Blue Gene/Q platform.

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Spatially adaptive stochastic methods for fluid-structure interactions subject to thermal fluctuations in domains with complex geometries

Journal of Computational Physics

Plunkett, Pat; Hu, Jonathan J.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Atzberger, Paul J.

We develop stochastic mixed finite element methods for spatially adaptive simulations of fluid-structure interactions when subject to thermal fluctuations. To account for thermal fluctuations, we introduce a discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance condition to develop compatible stochastic driving fields for our discretization. We perform analysis that shows our condition is sufficient to ensure results consistent with statistical mechanics. We show the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution is invariant under the stochastic dynamics of the semi-discretization. To generate efficiently the required stochastic driving fields, we develop a Gibbs sampler based on iterative methods and multigrid to generate fields with O(N) computational complexity. Our stochastic methods provide an alternative to uniform discretizations on periodic domains that rely on Fast Fourier Transforms. To demonstrate in practice our stochastic computational methods, we investigate within channel geometries having internal obstacles and no-slip walls how the mobility/diffusivity of particles depends on location. Our methods extend the applicability of fluctuating hydrodynamic approaches by allowing for spatially adaptive resolution of the mechanics and for domains that have complex geometries relevant in many applications. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.

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The MueLu Tutorial

Hu, Jonathan J.; Wiesner, Tobias A.; Prokopenko, Andrey V.; Gee, Michael W.

The MueLu tutorial is written as a hands-on tutorial for MueLu, the next generation multigrid framework in Trilinos. It covers the whole spectrum from absolute beginners’ topics to expert level. Since the focus of this tutorial is on practical and technical aspects of multigrid methods in general and MueLu in particular, the reader is expected to have a basic understanding of multigrid methods and its general underlying concepts. Please refer to multigrid textbooks (e.g. [1]) for the theoretical background.

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MueLu User's Guid for Trilinos Version 11.12

Hu, Jonathan J.; Prokopenko, Andrey V.; Wiesner, Tobias A.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

This is the official user guide for the M UE L U multigrid library in Trilinos version 11.12. This guide provides an overview of M UE L U , its capabilities, and instructions for new users who want to start using M UE L U with a minimum of effort. Detailed information is given on how to drive M UE L U through its XML interface. Links to more advanced use cases are given. This guide gives information on how to achieve good parallel performance, as well as how to introduce new algorithms. Finally, readers will find a comprehensive listing of available M UE L U options. Any options not documented in this manual should be considered strictly experimental.

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Exploring Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures for Advanced Embedded Uncertainty Quantification

Phipps, Eric T.; Edwards, Harold C.; Hu, Jonathan J.

We explore rearrangements of classical uncertainty quantification methods with the aim of achieving higher aggregate performance for uncertainty quantification calculations on emerging multicore and many core architectures. We show a rearrangement of the stochastic Galerkin method leads to improved performance and scalability on several computational architectures whereby uncertainty information is propagated at the lowest levels of the simulation code improving memory access patterns, exposing new dimensions of fine grained parallelism, and reducing communication. We also develop a general framework for implementing such rearrangements for a diverse set of uncertainty quantification algorithms as well as computational simulation codes to which they are applied.

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Toward robust scalable algebraic multigrid solvers

Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Gaidamour, Jeremie G.

This talk highlights some multigrid challenges that arise from several application areas including structural dynamics, fluid flow, and electromagnetics. A general framework is presented to help introduce and understand algebraic multigrid methods based on energy minimization concepts. Connections between algebraic multigrid prolongators and finite element basis functions are made to explored. It is shown how the general algebraic multigrid framework allows one to adapt multigrid ideas to a number of different situations. Examples are given corresponding to linear elasticity and specifically in the solution of linear systems associated with extended finite elements for fracture problems.

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ML 3.1 smoothed aggregation user's guide

Sala, Marzio S.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Hu, Jonathan J.

ML is a multigrid preconditioning package intended to solve linear systems of equations Ax = b where A is a user supplied n x n sparse matrix, b is a user supplied vector of length n and x is a vector of length n to be computed. ML should be used on large sparse linear systems arising from partial differential equation (PDE) discretizations. While technically any linear system can be considered, ML should be used on linear systems that correspond to things that work well with multigrid methods (e.g. elliptic PDEs). ML can be used as a stand-alone package or to generate preconditioners for a traditional iterative solver package (e.g. Krylov methods). We have supplied support for working with the Aztec 2.1 and AztecOO iterative package [16]. However, other solvers can be used by supplying a few functions. This document describes one specific algebraic multigrid approach: smoothed aggregation. This approach is used within several specialized multigrid methods: one for the eddy current formulation for Maxwell's equations, and a multilevel and domain decomposition method for symmetric and nonsymmetric systems of equations (like elliptic equations, or compressible and incompressible fluid dynamics problems). Other methods exist within ML but are not described in this document. Examples are given illustrating the problem definition and exercising multigrid options.

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ML 3.1 developer's guide

Sala, Marzio S.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

ML development was started in 1997 by Ray Tuminaro and Charles Tong. Currently, there are several full- and part-time developers. The kernel of ML is written in ANSI C, and there is a rich C++ interface for Trilinos users and developers. ML can be customized to run geometric and algebraic multigrid; it can solve a scalar or a vector equation (with constant number of equations per grid node), and it can solve a form of Maxwell's equations. For a general introduction to ML and its applications, we refer to the Users Guide [SHT04], and to the ML web site,

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ML 3.0 smoothed aggregation user's guide

Sala, Marzio S.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

ML is a multigrid preconditioning package intended to solve linear systems of equations Az = b where A is a user supplied n x n sparse matrix, b is a user supplied vector of length n and x is a vector of length n to be computed. ML should be used on large sparse linear systems arising from partial differential equation (PDE) discretizations. While technically any linear system can be considered, ML should be used on linear systems that correspond to things that work well with multigrid methods (e.g. elliptic PDEs). ML can be used as a stand-alone package or to generate preconditioners for a traditional iterative solver package (e.g. Krylov methods). We have supplied support for working with the AZTEC 2.1 and AZTECOO iterative package [15]. However, other solvers can be used by supplying a few functions. This document describes one specific algebraic multigrid approach: smoothed aggregation. This approach is used within several specialized multigrid methods: one for the eddy current formulation for Maxwell's equations, and a multilevel and domain decomposition method for symmetric and non-symmetric systems of equations (like elliptic equations, or compressible and incompressible fluid dynamics problems). Other methods exist within ML but are not described in this document. Examples are given illustrating the problem definition and exercising multigrid options.

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An overview of Trilinos

Heroux, Michael A.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Long, Kevin R.; Hoekstra, Robert J.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phipps, Eric T.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Williams, Alan B.; Heroux, Michael A.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Thornquist, Heidi K.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Willenbring, James M.; Bartlett, Roscoe B.; Howle, Victoria E.

The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. In particular, our goal is to develop parallel solver algorithms and libraries within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific applications. Our emphasis is on developing robust, scalable algorithms in a software framework, using abstract interfaces for flexible interoperability of components while providing a full-featured set of concrete classes that implement all abstract interfaces. Trilinos uses a two-level software structure designed around collections of packages. A Trilinos package is an integral unit usually developed by a small team of experts in a particular algorithms area such as algebraic preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, etc. Packages exist underneath the Trilinos top level, which provides a common look-and-feel, including configuration, documentation, licensing, and bug-tracking. Trilinos packages are primarily written in C++, but provide some C and Fortran user interface support. We provide an open architecture that allows easy integration with other solver packages and we deliver our software to the outside community via the Gnu Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This report provides an overview of Trilinos, discussing the objectives, history, current development and future plans of the project.

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140 Results
140 Results