Travel Time Tables

Travel Time Tables for SALSA3D Version 2

Note that the travel times tables for P phase were too large to include in a single file, and have been divided into two parts.

Travel time table for P phase in LibCorr3D Format for stations A-L

Travel time table for P phase in LibCorr3D Format for stations M-Z

1D travel-time distance dependent uncertainty tables

Travel Time Tables for SALSA3D Version 3

Travel time table for P phase relative to IASP91 in SSSC Format 

Travel time table for PcP phase relative to IASP91 in SSSC Format 

Travel time table for PKPbc phase relative to IASP91 in SSSC Format 

Travel time table for PKPdf phase relative to IASP91 in SSSC Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for P phase in GeoTESS Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for PcP phase in GeoTESS Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPbc phase in GeoTESS Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPdf phase in GeoTESS Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for P phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format

Depth-dependent travel time table for PcP phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format

Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPbc phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format 

Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPdf phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format

1D travel-time distance dependent uncertainty tables