Paul Allen Kuberry

Computational Mathematics

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Computational Mathematics

(814) 708-4244

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1320


Paul Kuberry received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from Clemson University and his B.S. in Mathematics from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include developing and analyzing algorithms and coupling methods for the solution of multi-physics partial differential equations and problems posed on domains with mismatched interfaces.


  • B.S. Mathematics – Clarion University of Pennsylvania
  • M.S. Mathematical Sciences – Clemson University
  • Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences – Clemson University


Amy de Castro, Paul Kuberry, Irina Tezaur, Pavel Bochev, (2023). A Novel Partitioned Approach for Reduced Order Model—Finite Element Model (ROM-FEM) and ROM-ROM Coupling Earth and Space 2022 Publication ID: 80830

Vijay Mahadevan, Jorge Guerra, Xiangmin Jiao, Paul Kuberry, Yipeng Li, Paul Ullrich, David Marsico, Robert Jacob, Pavel Bochev, Philip Jones, (2022). Metrics for Intercomparison of Remapping Algorithms (MIRA) protocol applied to Earth system models Geoscientific Model Development Publication ID: 80860

B. Gross, Paul Kuberry, P. Atzberger, (2022). First-passage time statistics on surfaces of general shape: Surface PDE solvers using Generalized Moving Least Squares (GMLS) Journal of Computational Physics Publication ID: 79882

Kenneth Sockwell, Paul Kuberry, James Tucker, Pavel Bochev, (2021). Automated Discovery of DOminaNt physics Informed Surrogates (ADDONIS) Framework Publication ID: 76392

Ron Oldfield, Sharlotte Kramer, Ahmad Rushdi, Erin Acquesta, John Emery, Paul Kuberry, Jaideep Ray, Sarah Ackerman, Eric Cyr, Gary Saavedra, Clayton Hughes, Suma Cardwell, John Smith, (2021). The ASC Advanced Machine Learning Initiative at Sandia National Laboratories: FY21 Accomplishments and FY22 Plans Publication ID: 76429

Biliana Paskaleva, Viraj Shitole, Elyse Rosenbaum, Joshua Hanson, Alan Yang, Paul Kuberry, (2021). Data-Driven Compact Modeling of Bipolar Junction Transistors with Recurrent Neural Networks Publication ID: 75860

Paul Kuberry, Ting Mei, Eric Keiter, Biliana Paskaleva, Pavel Bochev, Joshua Hanson, (2021). Xyce Python Model Interpreter (Xyce-PyMi) for enabling ML advancements in production circuit simulation software Publication ID: 75928

Eric Keiter, Jason Verley, Heidi Thornquist, Paul Kuberry, Edgar Galvan, (2021). Xyce Circuit Simulator and Surrogate Modeling Publication ID: 75505

Joshua Hanson, Biliana Paskaleva, Pavel Bochev, Eric Keiter, Charles Hembree, Paul Kuberry, (2021). A Numerical Compact Photocurrent Model and its Implementation via Xyce-PyMi Publication ID: 79274

Kenneth Sockwell, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, Paul Kuberry, (2021). The Interface-Flux-Recovery (IFR) Methodfor Conservative and Stable Coupling Schemesin Geophysical Fluids and Mechanics Publication ID: 78801

Paul Kuberry, Eric Keiter, (2021). An embedded Python model interpreter for XyceTM (Xyce-PyMi) Publication ID: 79701

Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, (2021). Generalized Moving Least Squares (GMLS) with Clip and Assured Sum (CAAS) Post-processing for Earth System Remap Publication ID: 77433

Ben Gross, Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, Paul Atzberger, (2020). Meshless Methods for Manifolds GMLS Approximations of Hydrodynamic Responses in Curved Fluid Interfaces Publication ID: 72000

Kenneth Sockwell, Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2020). Bulk-Interface-Flux-Recovery (Bulk-IFR) Methodfor Coupling the Atmosphere-Ocean Interface Publication ID: 71898

K. Sockwell, Kara Peterson, Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Nat Trask, (2020). Interface Flux Recovery coupling method for the ocean–atmosphere system Results in Applied Mathematics Publication ID: 73208

Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, Jacob Koester, Pavel Bochev, (2020). Regression Based Approach for Robust Finite Element Analysis on Arbitrary Grids (REBAR) Publication ID: 70985

Jaime Betancur-Peacock, Paul Kuberry, (2020). Data-Driven Agile Modeling Approach for Rapid Assessments of Electrical Designs Publication ID: 74335

Karthik Aadithya, Paul Kuberry, Biliana Paskaleva, Pavel Bochev, Kenneth Leeson, Alan Mar, Ting Mei, Eric Keiter, (2020). Data-Driven Compact Models for Circuit Design and Analysis Publication ID: 74199

Kara Peterson, Adrian Turner, Dan Bolintineanu, Paul Kuberry, (2020). A Performance Portable Discrete Element Sea Ice Model for Earth System Modeling Publication ID: 73722

B. Gross, N. Trask, Paul Kuberry, P. Atzberger, (2020). Meshfree methods on manifolds for hydrodynamic flows on curved surfaces: A Generalized Moving Least-Squares (GMLS) approach Journal of Computational Physics Publication ID: 68754

Karthik Aadithya, Paul Kuberry, Eric Keiter, Pavel Bochev, Alan Mar, Ting Mei, Biliana Paskaleva, Kenneth Leeson, (2020). Using ML to Develop Compact Models Publication ID: 73330

Nathaniel Trask, Paul Kuberry, (2020). Compatible meshfree discretization of surface PDEs Computational Particle Mechanics Publication ID: 67631

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, (2020). A virtual control, mesh-free coupling method for non-coincident interfaces Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018 Publication ID: 62466

Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, Nathaniel Trask, Pavel Bochev, (2020). Field reconstruction from Raviart-Thomas Nedelec and finite volume degrees-of-freedom using Generalized Moving Least Squares Publication ID: 70722

Pavel Bochev, N. Trask, Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, (2020). Mesh-Hardened Finite Element Analysis Through a Generalized Moving Least-Squares Approximation of Variational Problems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 67278

Marcelino Anguiano, Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Arif Masud, (2020). Synchronous and concurrent multidomain computing method for cloud computing platforms SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 79092

Karthik Aadithya, Paul Kuberry, Biliana Paskaleva, Pavel Bochev, Kenneth Leeson, Alan Mar, Ting Mei, Eric Keiter, (2019). Development, Demonstration and Validation of Data-Driven Compact Diode Models for Circuit Simulation and Analysis Publication ID: 66892

Bhuiyan Ebna Hai, Markus Bause, Paul Kuberry, (2019). Modeling concept and numerical simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation in a moving fluid-structure domain based on a monolithic approach Applied Mathematical Modelling Publication ID: 69601

Kenneth Sockwell, Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Nathaniel Trask, Kara Peterson, (2019). Bulk-Interface-Flux-Recovery (Bulk-IFR) Method for Coupling the Atmosphere-Ocean Interface Publication ID: 65903

Pavel Bochev, Peter Bosler, Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, Kara Peterson, Nathaniel Trask, (2019). Compatible Particle Discretizations. Final LDRD Report Publication ID: 65024

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, Mauro Perego, (2019). The amazing powers of Generalized Moving Least-Squares Publication ID: 70530

Karthik Aadithya, Paul Kuberry, Eric Keiter, Pavel Bochev, Alan Mar, Ting Mei, Biliana Paskaleva, Kenneth Leeson, (2019). Data-driven Circuit Design From Electrical Measurement Data To Compact Device Models Publication ID: 70299

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2019). Explicit synchronous partitioned algorithms for interface problems based on Lagrange multipliers Computers and Mathematics with Applications Publication ID: 60611

Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, (2019). Non-iterative partitioned methods based on monolithic formulations of the coupled problem Publication ID: 69702

Mauro Perego, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, (2019). Generalized Moving Least Squares: Approximation Theory and Applications Publication ID: 69710

Kara Peterson, Adrian Turner, Paul Kuberry, Dan Bolintineanu, Andrew Roberts, Travis Davis, Min Wang, (2019). DEMSI: A Performance Portable Sea Ice Model Publication ID: 69714

Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, Nathaniel Trask, Pavel Bochev, (2019). The Compadre Toolkit for Native Degrees-of-Freedom Publication ID: 69548

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, (2019). Explicit Partitioned Methods based on Monolithic Formulations of the Coupled Problem Publication ID: 68717

Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, Nathaniel Trask, Pavel Bochev, (2019). Field reconstruction from native degrees-of-freedom using the Compadre Toolkit Publication ID: 68779

Mauro Perego, Pavel Bochev, Peter Bosler, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, Nathaniel Trask, (2019). Advances in the Approximation Theory of Generalized Moving Least Squares Publication ID: 68848

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Nathaniel Trask, (2019). Lagrange-Multiplier-Based Partitioned Method for Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Publication ID: 68854

Pavel Bochev, Nathaniel Trask, Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, (2019). Mesh-hardened finite element analysis through a Generalized Moving Least-Squares approximation of variational problems Publication ID: 68604

Mauro Perego, Pavel Bochev, Nathaniel Trask, Peter Bosler, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, (2019). Advances in the Approximation Theory for Generalized Moving Least Squares Publication ID: 67960

Paul Kuberry, Peter Bosler, Nathaniel Trask, Mauro Perego, Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, (2018). The Compadre Toolkit Publication ID: 59467

Pavel Bochev, Nathaniel Trask, Paul Kuberry, Mauro Perego, Kara Peterson, Peter Bosler, (2018). Compatible meshless methods for DPEs Publication ID: 59543

Paul Kuberry, (2018). Meshless Remap for Earth System Models Publication ID: 63263

Mauro Perego, Pavel Bochev, Nathaniel Trask, Peter Bosler, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, (2018). Advances in the Approximation Theory for Functional Reconstructions Using GMLS and Applications to Meshless Discretization of Differential Equations Publication ID: 63442

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2018). Explicit Partitioned Methods for Interface Coupling Publication ID: 63478

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2018). Explicit Partitioned Methods for Interface Coupling Publication ID: 62555

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, (2018). Mesh-tying via multiple-control PDE-constrained optimization and GMLS function reconstruction Publication ID: 61298

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, (2018). A virtual control coupling approach for problems with non-coincident discrete interfaces Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 56320

Paul Kuberry, (2017). Compadre Toolkit Publication ID: 54254

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, Edward Phillips, (2017). Coupling Hyperbolic PDEs Over Non-Coincident Interfaces Publication ID: 53073

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, Michael Wong, (2017). Bridging the gap: from algorithm development to mission impact a partitioned elastodynamics example Publication ID: 57994

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2017). Explicit Partitioned Methods for Coupled Problems Based on Lagrange Multipliers Publication ID: 56903

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, (2017). An Optimization-Based Globally Flux-Conserving Coupling of Problems with Spatially Non-Coincident Interface Discretizations Publication ID: 56697

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, Kara Peterson, (2017). An explicit partitioned elastodynamics method based on Lagrange Multipliers Publication ID: 56608

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2017). Mortar Flux Recover (MFR) Algorithm and Analysis Publication ID: 55378

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, Edward Phillips, (2017). A Partitioned Method for Explicit Elastodynamics Based on a Generalized Dual Schur Complement Publication ID: 55505

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, (2017). Optimization-Based Approach for Problems with Non-Conforming Interface Discretizations Publication ID: 54110

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2016). Mortar Flux Recovery (MFR) Algorithm and Analysis Publication ID: 47171

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Kara Peterson, (2016). Explicit and Implicit Interface Coupling Approaches Publication ID: 51582

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, (2016). An optimization-based approach to mesh tying and transmission problems Publication ID: 50227

Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, (2016). An optimization-based approach to mesh tying and transmission problems Publication ID: 48948

Bhuiyan Hai, Markus Bause, Paul Kuberry, (2016). Finite element approximation of the extended fluid-structure interaction (eXFSI) problem American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM Publication ID: 49441

Paul Kuberry, Hyseuk Lee, (2015). Decoupling Navier-Stokes / St. Venant-Kirchhoff Fluid-Structure Interaction by Optimization Publication ID: 43449

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2015). A variational flux recovery approach for elastodynamics problems with interfaces PANACM 2015 – 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, in conjunction with the 11th Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics, MECOM 2015 Publication ID: 41511

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2015). A variational force recovery approach for elastodynamics problems with interfaces Publication ID: 43163

Paul Kuberry, Paul Kuberry, Hyesuk Lee, Hyesuk Lee, (2015). Analysis of a Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem Decoupled by Optimal Control Publication ID: 42395

Pavel Bochev, Paul Kuberry, (2015). A new partitioned algorithm for explicit elastodynamics based on variational flux recovery Publication ID: 42408

Paul Kuberry, (2014). Using Intrelab to Quickly Prototype Interface Algorithms Publication ID: 39594

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