The two-level Newton method and its application to electronic simulation
Coupling between transient simulation codes of different fidelity can often be performed at the nonlinear solver level, if the time scales of the two codes are similar. A good example is electrical mixed-mode simulation, in which an analog circuit simulator is coupled to a PDE-based semiconductor device simulator. Semiconductor simulation problems, such as single-event upset (SEU), often require the fidelity of a mesh-based device simulator but are only meaningful when dynamically coupled with an external circuit. For such problems a mixed-level simulator is desirable, but the two types of simulation generally have different (somewhat conflicting) numerical requirements. To address these considerations, we have investigated variations of the two-level Newton algorithm, which preserves tight coupling between the circuit and the PDE device, while optimizing the numerics for both. The research was done within Xyce, a massively parallel electronic simulator under development at Sandia National Laboratories.