ECP Milestone Highlights WBS ECP/VTK-m FY19Q1 [MS-19/01-03] ZFP / Release / Clip WBS Milestone STDA05-17
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ParaView Catalyst is an API for accessing the scalable visualization infrastructure of ParaView in an in-situ context. In-situ visualization allows simulation codes to access data post-processing operations while the simulation is running. In-situ techniques can reduce data post-processing time, allow computational steering, and increase the resolution and frequency of data output. For a simulation code to use ParaView Catalyst, adapter code needs to be created that interfaces the simulations data structures to ParaView/VTK data structures. Under ATDM, Catalyst is to be integrated with SPARC, a code used for simulation of unsteady reentry vehicle flow.
Running visualization and analysis algorithms on ATS-1 platforms is a critical step for supporting ATDM apps at the exascale. We are leveraging VTK-m to port our algorithms to the ATS-specific hardware and ensuring that it runs well.
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The STDA05-15 milestone comprises the following 4 distinct deliverables: 1) External Surface, 2) Locate Point, 3) Locate Cell and 4) Point Movement.
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