
Publications / Journal Article

Teko: A block preconditioning capability with concrete example applications in Navier-Stokes and MHD

Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

This paper describes the design of Teko, an object-oriented C++ library for implementing advanced block preconditioners. Mathematical design criteria that elucidate the needs of block preconditioning libraries and techniques are explained and shown to motivate the structure of Teko. For instance, a principal design choice was for Teko to strongly reflect the mathematical statement of the preconditioners to reduce development burden and permit focus on the numerics. Additional mechanisms are explained that provide a pathway to developing an optimized production capable block preconditioning capability with Teko. Finally, Teko is demonstrated on fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamics applications. In addition to highlighting the features of the Teko library, these new results illustrate the effectiveness of recent preconditioning developments applied to advanced discretization approaches.