
MESQUITE is a linkable software library that applies a variety of node-movement algorithms to improve the quality and/or adapt a given mesh. Mesquite uses advanced smoothing and optimization to:

  • Untangle meshes,
  • Provide local size control,
  • Improve angles, orthogonality, and skew,
  • Increase minimum edge-lengths for increased time-steps,
  • Improve mesh smoothness,
  • Perform anisotropic smoothing,
  • Improve surface meshes, adapt to surface curvature,
  • Improve hybrid meshes (including pyramids & wedges),
  • Smooth meshes with hanging nodes,
  • Maintain quality of moving and/or deforming meshes,
  • Perform ALE rezoning,
  • Improve mesh quality on and near boundaries,
  • Improve transitions across internal boundaries,
  • Align meshes with vector fields, and
  • R-adapt meshes to solutions using error estimates.

Mesquite improves surface or volume meshes which are structured, unstructured, hybrid, or non-comformal. A variety of element types are permitted. Mesquite is designed to be as efficient as possible so that large meshes can be improved.