The Cooperative Monitoring Center (CMC) celebrated its 30th anniversary on September 12, 2024. Since its founding at Sandia in 1994, the CMC has fostered international scientific cooperation to build bridges between countries and inform policymaking in the interests of global security and peace. More than 30 speakers—including CMC present and former staffers, alumni, international and academic partners, and government sponsors—spoke on the CMC’s past and present accomplishments. More than 140 people attended the event—120 in person—including partners representing the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Jordan, Germany, France, Brazil, Saudia Arabia, India, and Pakistan.
CMC staff and panel speakers: (l-r) Chuck Kosak, Sue Caskey, Mike Yaffe, Kent Biringer, Cassie Gale, Justin Olmstead, Farnaz Alimehri, Hannah Haegeland, Ambassador Shirin Tahir-Kheli, Noelle Camp, Arian Pregenzer, Chris Cutrone, Justine Johannes, David Cooper, Rodney Wilson, Jana Wattenberg, Dave Sandison, Monte Mallin, Jason Bolles, and Amir Mohagheghi.
Dr. Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu is a clinical professor and directs the United Nations Specialization at the Center for Global Affairs, School of Professional Studies, New York University.
Muhammad Faisal’s Tribute to the CMC
Muhammad Faisal is a research fellow at the China-Pakistan Study Centre at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and a contributor to South Asian Voices, a publication of the Stimson Center.