In his visit to Sandia this week, Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette got an overview of a wide range of the Labs’ mission-related work. After being welcomed by Labs Director Steve Younger, Brouillette was briefed by Associate Labs Director Steve Girrens on the status of Sandia’s Nuclear Weapons Modernization Programs and then was briefed on programs and activities at various facilities, including MESA, Z, the Neutron Generator Facility, and the Counterfeit Detection Center. The deputy secretary also participated in a discussion led by Steve on new management challenges and opportunities and sat down for lunch with early career employees from across the Labs. Following an all-hands meeting for members of the workforce, Brouillette closed out his day at Sandia with a meet-and-greet with representatives from the offices of New Mexico’s congressional delegation. In the photo here, Sandia Pulsed Power Sciences Director Keith Matzen, left, explains some of the intricacies of Sandia’s Z machine to Brouillette as Steve, left background, and James Colgary, Brouillette’s chief of staff, look on. (Photo by Randy Montoya)