Denis Ridzal

Principal Member of Technical Staff

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Principal Member of Technical Staff

(505) 845-1395

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-MS 1320


Computational and applied mathematics, numerical analysis, numerical optimization, partial differential equations (PDEs), scientific software development, high-performance computing (HPC), applications in physical science and engineering.

  • Numerical optimization:
    Large-scale nonlinear programming; PDE-constrained optimization; stochastic optimization; matrix-free optimization; sequential quadratic programming (SQP); solvers and preconditioners for optimality systems.
  • Numerical analysis and PDEs:
    Advanced compatible and high-order discretizations; finite element analysis; optimization-based property-preserving methods for hyperbolic problems.
  • Scientific software development and HPC:
    Performance-portable and scalable implementations of numerical optimization algorithms through modern C++ programming; low-memory parallel computing through data compression; mixed-precision architectures for numerical optimization; extreme-scale PDE-constrained optimization.
  • Applications:
    Optimal control, optimal design and inverse problems for solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, semiconductor physics, electrical circuits, geophysics; additive manufacturing, shape optimization, topology optimization; sensing and image processing; trajectory optimization; analog computing; computational mesh optimization.