Event Details

The event is hosted by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Health Security in partnership with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) at Clemson University. It is aimed at conducting a dry run, or beta test, of exercise materials developed by the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Health Security, before further release and distribution where it can ultimately serve as a radiological planning resource for food and agricultural response to increase emergency preparedness capabilities and strengthen jurisdictional partnerships following a release of radiological material.

The event will be organized in the following manner:

July 24th

  • Module 0
    • Response and Recovery Considerations (pre-exercise)
  • Module 1
    • Incident Initiation and Notification (first 24 hours)
  • Module 2
    • Near-Term Response (24 hours to two weeks after the accident)

July 25th

  • Module 3
    • Sustained Response and Recovery (two weeks to one year after the accident)
  • Module 4
    • Cascading Impacts and Long-Term Recovery (one year or more after the accident)