Drop Down Menus

The Cubit Drop-Down Menus, located at the top of the Cubit Application Window provide access to capabilities such as file management, checkpoints, display manipulation, journaling, system setup, component management, window management, and help.

Cubit (Mac Only)

This menu contains the Preferences dialog box, also called the Options dialog box on other platforms. It also contains the About Cubit menu and the Quit Cubit option. It is only available on Mac computers.


This menu provides common file operations, including importing and exporting of geometry and meshimport and export. A list of recently saved or imported files is also provided, allowing a quick way to import current or recent work. Non-Mac users can also exit and reset the program from this menu (These options are found under the Cubit tab for Mac Users).


This menu only provides a way to enable the Undo feature of the system. If Undo is enabled, one level of Undo is available to the user.


The View Menu lists all available toolbars and windows in the current CUBIT session. Selecting a toolbar or window will make it visible. Deselecting a toolbar or window will hide it. You can also hide an undocked window or toolbar by clicking on the small "x" in the upper right corner. For more information on docking and undocking toolbars, see CUBIT Application Window.


The Display Menu controls display options for the graphics window. These options are explained below:


The Tools Menu contains access to GUI-specific tools and options. These options are explained below.
