Peter Beckman

Peter Beckman has worked in systems software for parallel computing, operating systems, and Grid computing for 20 years. After receiving a Ph.D. in computer science from Indiana University, he helped create the Extreme Computing Laboratory, which focused on parallel C++, portable run-time systems, and collaboration technology. In 1997 Peter joined the Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he founded the ACL’s Linux cluster team and organized the Extreme Linux series of workshops and activities that helped catalyze the high-performance Linux computing cluster community. Peter has also worked in industry. For example, in 2000 he founded a research laboratory in Santa Fe (sponsored by Turbolinux Inc.), which developed the world’s first dynamic provisioning system for large clusters and data centers. The following year, Peter became vice president of Turbolinux’s worldwide engineering efforts. Peter began working at Argonne National Laboratory in 2002. As director of engineering for the TeraGrid, a $150 million effort sponsored by the National Science Foundation to build the world’s largest open Grid computing environment, he designed and deployed the world’s most advanced Grid system for linking production HPC computing centers. After the TeraGrid became fully operational, Peter started a research team focusing on petascale high-performance software systems, wireless sensor networks, Linux, and the emerging field of “urgent computing” for critical, time-sensitive decision support. He has published numerous articles, served on national program committees, and presented invited papers and tutorials. Peter, his wife, and two children live in Naperville, Illinois.