[stars image] [Sandia National Laboratories]
Facilities Available for Industry Use

Fact Sheet

A helium-neon laser beam (the red streak) measures particle size, velocity, and concentration of fly ash immediately above an ash deposit in Sandia's Combustion Research Facility.

Many of the unique research and development facilities at Sandia National Laboratories are available to private-sector companies through a variety of arrangements. The user is charged for the cost of using the facility.

Following are some examples of facilities available at Sandia.

[microelectronics lab]
Advanced manufacturing technologies can be tested in the Microelectronics Development Laboratory. Special uniforms protect microcircuits from lint and dust.

Other available facilities at Sandia include:

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy.

Technology Partnerships & Commercialization, (505) 843-4183 in New Mexico
(800) 294-TEKT in California

Media contact:
Larry Perrine, lgperri@sandia.gov (505) 845-8511

Last modified: December 8, 1997

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