Journal File Creation and Playback

Recording a Session

Command sequences can be written to a text file, either directly from CUBIT or using a text editor. CUBIT commands can be read directly from a file at any time during CUBIT execution, or can be used to run CUBIT in batch mode. To begin and end writing commands to a file from within CUBIT, use the command

Record '<filename>'

Record Stop

Once initiated, all commands are copied to this file after their successful execution in CUBIT.

Replaying a Session

To replay a journal file, issue the command

Playback '<filename>'

Journal files are most commonly created by recording commands from an interactive CUBIT session, but can also be created using automatic journaling or even by editing an ASCII text file.

Commands being read from a file can represent either the entire set of commands for a particular session, or can represent a subset of commands the user wishes to execute repeatedly.

Two other commands are useful for controlling playback of CUBIT commands from journal files. Playback from a journal file can be terminated by placing the Stop command after the last command to be executed; this causes CUBIT to stop reading commands from the current journal file. Playback can be paused using the Pause command; the user is prompted to hit a key, after which playback is resumed.

Journal files are most useful for running CUBIT in batch mode, often in combination with the parameterization available through the APREPRO capability in CUBIT. Journal files are also useful when a new finite element model is being built, by saving a set of initialization commands then iteratively testing different meshing strategies after playing that initialization file.