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Do you know an entrepreneur, innovator, or community partner looking for technical assistance to bring their...

Web tool looks belowground for an economically viable renewable energy source ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Geothermal power has...

Sandia National Laboratories is collaborating with New Mexico-based CSolPower LLC to develop an affordable method of...

This November, Sandia researchers will join partners and other national laboratories at Resilience Week 2023. Join...

Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have decades of experience in providing decision...

Three interns who participated in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy-sponsored student internship...

Sandia National Laboratories researcher and manager Hongyou Fan has been named a fellow of the American...

Are you part of a rural, remote, island, or islanded community planning a clean energy project?...

Dec. 13 webinar will focus on Sandia's capabilities and expertise available for clean energy demonstration projects...

Sandia researchers test explosives and propellants to create geothermal power sites Why are scientists setting off...

Sandia scientists use 3D-printed rocks, machine learning to detect unexpected earthquakes Sandia geoscientists used 3D-printed rocks...

[caption id="attachment_34093" align="alignright" width="235"] Louise Vickery, General Manager, Renewable Futures at the Australian Renewable Energy Agency...

The Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (DOE-EERE’s) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO)...

The DOE’s Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) selected twelve collaborative enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) R&D projects that...


Hongkyu Yoon, Alec Kucala, Kyung Chang, Mario Martinez, James Bean, T. Kadeethum, Maria Warren, Jennifer Wilson, Scott Broome, Lauren Stewart, Diana Estrada, Nicholas Bouklas, Jan Fuhg, (2022). Computational Analysis of Coupled Geoscience Processes in Fractured and Deformable Media Publication ID: 80248

Maria Warren, James Bean, Mario Martinez, Alec Kucala, Hongkyu Yoon, (2022). Evaluation of accuracy and convergence of numerical coupling approaches for poroelasticity benchmark problems Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment Publication ID: 80821

Heeho Park, Matthew Paul, Valocchi Albert, Hammond Glenn, (2022). Newton trust-region methods with primary variable switching for simulating high temperature multiphase porous media flow Advances in Water Resources Publication ID: 80043

Kyung Chang, Hongkyu Yoon, Mario Martinez, (2022). Potential Seismicity Along Basement Faults Induced by Geological Carbon Sequestration Geophysical Research Letters Publication ID: 80906

Jiann-Cherng Su, Elton Wright, (2022). Auto Indexer for Percussive Hammers Final Report Publication ID: 79885

Susan Hamm, Arlene Anderson, Douglas Blankenship, Lauren Boyd, Elizabeth Brown, Zachary Frone, Ian Hamos, Hannah Hughes, Matthew Kalmuk, (2021). Geothermal energy R&D: An overview of the U.S. department of energy’s geothermal technologies office Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME Publication ID: 75213

Hongkyu Yoon, Stephen Verzi, Katherine Cauthen, Srideep Musuvathy, Darryl Melander, Kyle Norland, Adriana Morales, Jonghyun Lee, Alexander Sun, (2021). Predictive Data-driven Platform for Subsurface Energy Production Publication ID: 75611

Edward Matteo, Donald Conley, Stephen Verzi, Barry Roberts, Casey Doyle, Steven Sobolik, Samuel Gilletly, Stephen Bauer, L. Pyrak-Nolte, M. Reda Taha, J. Stormont, D. Crandall, Dylan Moriarty, Esther John, Jennifer Wilson, Giorgia Bettin, Joshua Hogancamp, S. Fernandez, I. Anwar, M. Abdellatef, D. Murcia, J. Bland, (2021). Advanced Detection of Wellbore Failure for Safe and Secure Utilization of Subsurface Infrastructure Publication ID: 75660

Yarom Polsky, Phillip Chesser, Brian Post, Jiann-Cherng Su, (2021). Geothermal Additive Manufacturing Case Study Publication ID: 75738

Thomas Lowry, (2021). Understanding Uncertainty in Geothermal Energy Development Using a Formalized Performance Assessment Approach Publication ID: 79348

Yaroslav Vasyliv, Gabriela Bran Anleu, Alec Kucala, Samuel Subia, Mario Martinez, (2021). Analysis and Optimization of a Closed Loop Geothermal System in Hot Rock Reservoirs Publication ID: 79039

Yarom Polsky, Phillip Chesser, Brian Post, Jiann-Cherng Su, (2021). Geothermal Additive Manufacturing Case Study Publication ID: 79044

Carmen Winn, Patrick Dobson, Craig Ulrich, Timothy Kneafsey, Thomas Lowry, John Akerley, Ben Delwiche, Abraham Samuel, Stephen Bauer, (2021). Lost Circulation in a Hydrothermally Cemented Basin-Fill Reservoir: Don A. Campbell Geothermal Field, Nevada Publication ID: 79076

Thomas Lowry, (2021). GT-Mod: A Techno-Economic Model for Geothermal Resource Evaluation Publication ID: 78616

Anirban Mazumdar, Stephen Buerger, Adam Foris, Brian Faircloth, Dennis Kaspereit, Jiann-Cherng Su, (2021). Evaluation of Microhole Drilling Technology for Geothermal Exploration, Assessment, And Monitoring Publication ID: 76602

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