The National Solar Thermal Test Facility has extensive experience developing and testing CSP systems. Learn how our work can help improve your systems and components.
We aid business and industry in the development of thermo-chemical storage, hydrogen and solar fuels by methods including reduction/oxidation of metal oxides. We also develop and test solar coatings. Learn more about our industrial heat efforts.
The NSTTF tackles some of the biggest challenges in thermal energy storage (TES) to make it more widely available for business and industry. TES offers stakeholders high energy density, lower costs, available storage, and the ability to charge or deliver heat and electricity. Learn how our facility can assist with your thermal energy storage needs.
At Sandia, we work to advance solar fuels for the aviation industry and improve chemical production using a novel, thermo-chemical process. See how our solar fuels and chemistry research efforts may significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions in the production of commodity chemicals.