Water Treatment

What We Do

Since the early 2000s, Sandia has addressed the security challenges associated with growing limitations on water availability through novel water treatment technology development and simple, low-cost solutions to complex water challenges.

Our Capabilities

Our science and engineering capabilities include:

  • Atomistic to Molecular Chemical and Geochemical Modeling
  • Advanced Inorganic and Polymeric Materials Synthesis
  • Bench Scale to Pilot Scale Testing and Evaluation
  • PFLOTRAN Reactive Flow and Transport Code Development and Modeling
  • Selective Molecule and Ion Capture

Pilot Testing

Chemical Water Treatment

Novel Water Treatment Membrances

Selective Containment Treatment

In-Situ Permeable Reactive Barriers

Mitigation of Scaling & Fouling

Sandia’s work with water treatment technology has led to numerous R&D 100 awards, peer-reviewed publications, and patents and licensed technologies.


Mark Rigali
(505) 284-2727


  • 2012 Federal Laboratories Consortium Notable Technology Development Award: Biomimetic Membranes
  • 2012 Federal Laboratories Consortium for Technology Transfer National Award: Excellence in Tech Transfer: Crystalline Silicotitanates
  • 2011 R&D 100 Award: Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico, Biomimetic Membranes for Water Purification
  • 1996 R&D 100 Award: Sandia National Laboratories and Texas A&M, Crystalline Silicotitanate Ion exchangers, IONSIV IE-910 and IONSIV IE-911


Sandia’s Water Treatment Partnerships: Past and Present