Energy & Water

Energy & Water

Developing science-based engineering solutions, guided by robust understanding of natural and human engineered systems

The continued security and economic health of the United States depends on a sustainable supply of both energy and water. The availability of adequate water supplies has a profound impact on the availability of energy. Meanwhile, energy production and power generation activities affect the availability and quality of water.

While our supply of water today is largely safe and adequate, we as a nation face increasing water supply challenges in the form of extended droughts, demand growth due to population increase, more stringent health-based regulations, and competing demands from a variety of users.

Sandia’s Energy & Water Program strives to:

  • Increase the safety, security, and sustainability of water infrastructure through the development of advanced technologies that create new water supplies,
  • Decrease demand through efficient water use, and
  • Provide decision-making tools to the institutions responsible for balancing supply and demand.

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Recent News

Sandia researchers are advancing algae flow-way systems that screen out pollutants from the environment. Designed to...

Sandia National Laboratories materials scientist Dorina Sava Gallis has been honored by the American Chemical Society...

Sandia National Laboratories electrical engineer Michael Ropp has been named a Fellow of the Institute of...

Ropp Grid, Electrical Engineer Self-healing electrical grids: It may sound like a concept from science fiction,...

The Black Engineer of the Year Award conference honored five Sandians for their outstanding achievements in...

Sandia National Laboratories scientists Patrick Feng and Thushara Gunda recently were honored with national achievement awards...

This November, Sandia researchers will join partners and other national laboratories at Resilience Week 2023. Join...

Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have decades of experience in providing decision...

A team at Sandia National Laboratories is developing materials to tackle what has become one of...

The Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility, which broke ground Feb. 16,...

Focused on the accuracy of climate predictions, a computational team led by Sandia National Laboratories recently...

The atmospheric level of carbon dioxide — a gas that is great at trapping heat, contributing...

Are you part of a rural, remote, island, or islanded community planning a clean energy project?...

Sandia National Laboratories collaborated with the National Renewable Energy and Pacific Northwest National laboratories through the...

Sandia National Laboratories engineers are working on a device that would help ensure captured carbon dioxide...

This fall, the Department of Energy announced funding for several projects aimed at improving their Energy...

Dec. 13 webinar will focus on Sandia's capabilities and expertise available for clean energy demonstration projects...

A new report synthesizes key findings from expert-led discussions on how water can support or influence...

Sandia water systems engineer featured on DOE STEM Rising website Kelley Ruehl, an Energy Water Systems...

What is water’s role in a carbon neutral future? Sandia invites you to learn more about...

An article on the US EPA website recently noted how the Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR),...

Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and their collaborators have developed a new membrane, whose structure was...

Remediation technology reduces uranium levels ten-thousandfold at legacy site in Colorado A team of researchers from...

This month, the Department of Energy's STEM Rising initiative features a Q&A with Sandia National Laboratories'...

By Melissae Fellet Electricity production is one of the industries that uses the most water in...

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250"] Sandia National Laboratories researcher Anastasia Ilgen runs experiments in an anaerobic glovebox....

Thanks to technology created by Sandia researchers, cooling power plants using significantly less water may someday...

by Michael Padilla Vince Tidwell, from Sandia’s water program, provided testimony in front of the U.S....

In recognition of Thanksgiving, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) highlighted how U.S. families use energy in...

A paper by Vince Tidwell, Barbie Moreland, and Katie Zemlick (all currently in or formerly members...

As part of Sandia’s core geochemistry program funded by DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES),...

Vince Tidwell and Barbie Moreland and Katie Zemlick recently published “Geographic Footprint of Electricity Use for...


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Stephanie Kuzio
(505) 844-1171