Software for Complex Environments
- The Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model provides a field-validated, predictive model of thermal-chemical-mechanical erosion for the Arctic coastline. The ACE Model is created to solve the limitations of current coastal erosion tools.
- Albany Land Ice is a dynamical core for ice sheet simulations, featuring PDE constrained optimization tools for the initialization/calibration of the ice sheet models. It is implemented as a C++ object-oriented, unstructured grid, finite element code, and it achieves performance portability (MPI+X) using the Kokkos parallel programming model.
- CANARY is event detection software for water distribution networks.
- Dakota: Sandia’s Dakota software toolkit provides state-of-the-art, robust methods to enable the design exploration, model calibration, risk analysis, and uncertainty quantification in computational models by providing a flexible, extensible interface between the codes and a variety of iterative systems. Dakota has applications in climate modeling, computational materials, nuclear power, renewable energy, and many others.
- SEAWOLF: Sandia developed the Sediment Erosion Actuated by Wave Oscillation and Linear Flow (SEAWOLF), an apparatus that utilizes in-situ core samples and provides direct measurement of erosion rates from combined wave-current action.
- Trilinos is an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems.
- WecSim is an open-source code for simulating wave energy converters.
Software for Earth System Modeling and Simulation
The Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Project is an ongoing, state-of-the-science Earth system modeling, simulation, and prediction project.
Software for Sensing & Sensors
Chama is an open source Python package that uses mixed integer linear programming to determine the best location and technology for your sensor network. Optimization can help maximize monitoring effectiveness and reduce the overall cost of sensor networks.
Commercial software can be licensed directly from Sandia unless otherwise noted. If you are interested in distributing software, please visit the Open Source Software page.
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