Arctic Grid & Renewable Energy Technologies

Access to affordable and resilient electricity is a challenge for many Alaska communities. The harsh environment provides a useful proving ground for new energy technologies, such as advanced power electronics and resilient systems, that could be applied to the rest of the grid.

What We Do

Sandia collaborates with other national laboratories, local utilities, academic institutions and industry to understand how renewable energy systems and grid-integration technologies perform in the Arctic. Harsh weather, rugged conditions, as well as natural and man-made disasters can affect the power supply, impacting remote communities’ critical lifelines.

Sandia’s Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration R&D Program draws upon world-class expertise in grid analysis, cybersecurity, complex systems, optimization, controls, power electronics, as well as enabling technologies such as energy storage and microgrids.
Sandia’s Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration R&D Program draws upon world-class expertise in grid analysis, cybersecurity, complex systems, optimization, controls, power electronics, as well as enabling technologies such as energy storage and microgrids.

We work with other government agencies, industry, and academic institutions to accomplish our national security missions. Learn more about working with Sandia.