Workshop “Shales at All Scales: Exploring Coupled Processes” Is a Success

This workshop, held June 9–11 in Santa Fe, explored physical and geochemical processes in shale controlled by diagenesis; nano-confinement and pore-scale coupled processes in shale; fracture and coupled processes of shale; and multi-scale, multi-physics behavior of shale.

Shales at All Scales gathered 47 participants from many institutions.

During the breakout sessions, participants mapped out research gaps to be filled in geomechanics and fractures; geochemistry; and geology, fluid flow, and transport. The workshop identified key research needed to characterize, understand, and predict multiscale-coupled processes in shale.

The workshop also included a field trip to the Cerrillos Hills area, New Mexico, which included examples of shale heterogeneity, lithofacies, and fractures in the Mancos shale.

July 30, 2015