Women@Energy features Sandia’s Erika Roesler

This month, the Department of Energy’s STEM Rising initiative features a Q&A with Sandia National Laboratories’ atmospheric and climate scientist Erika Roesler.

During her time at Sandia Erika has worked in climate modeling, where her research seeks to understand how clouds may vary as a result of climate change.

During her time at Sandia, Erika has grown immensely as a scientist and maintained active mentoring activities for undergraduate, graduate, and early career STEM professionals.  She also co-chairs a local elementary school science fair and presents polar-related science demonstrations and talks to their classrooms. 

When asked what excites her about her work for the Department of Energy, Erika says, “I am excited about the vision and mission of the Energy Department, and how science-based actions can improve humanity’s livelihood and outcome. The focused perspective on trying to understand changes to clouds through climate change motivates and innovates my work.”

View more inspiring stories by women working in #STEM at Sandia National Laboratories and throughout the Department of Energy on the STEM Rising website.

August 23, 2020