Sandia teams receive DOE’s highest awards

Secretary of Energy Honor Awards announced

The U.S. Department of Energy recently recognized the achievements of six Sandia groups with the Secretary of Energy Honor Award. The awards celebrate the notable accomplishments of DOE employees and contractors and recognize their service and contributions to the department’s mission and the nation.

“I want to thank all the recipients for their vital contributions to the Department and our country,” said Dan Brouillette, outgoing DOE secretary. “I am truly honored to work alongside such brilliant, talented individuals who show unwavering commitment to public service. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.”

Among Sandia recipients of the DOE Secretary’s Honor Awards and COVID-19 Honor Awards were the following teams:

Crude Oil Characterization

This fireball was created by igniting 400 gallons of superheated Bakken crude oil in a controlled release experiment. Data from infrared cameras were used to assess thermal hazards of crude oils tested at Sandia. (Photo courtesy of Michael M. Montoya)
This fireball was created by igniting 400 gallons of superheated Bakken crude oil in a controlled release experiment. Data from infrared cameras were used to assess thermal hazards of crude oils tested at Sandia. (Photo courtesy of Michael M. Montoya)

In collaboration with DOE, Sandia led, coordinated, and delivered the Crude Oil Characterization study. By safely executing a series of large-scale tests in 2019, the team researched whether oils produced from some of the nation’s richest shale formations possess combustion hazards in transportation and handling that are appreciably different from conventionally produced oil. The team designed, directed, and performed combustion and properties testing, including first-of-kind large-scale fireball tests, on various domestic crude oils.

Bringing together world-class expertise in geosciences, fire science, arming and firing, photometrics, and emergency operations, the team conducted the experimental study. The research answered key technical questions that directly impacts safe transportation of crude oil and directly informed policymakers and relevant stakeholders including the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, and Congress. The scientific study will also inform debate and improve industry best practices in crude oil sampling, sample analysis, hazardous material classification and emergency response for the large-scale transportation of crude oil in North America.

Read the Lab News story to learn about all the Sandia teams and work recognized by the Secretary of Energy Achievement Awards.

March 8, 2021