Sandia Releases QuESt v1.2

The latest version of QuESt, Sandia’s open source software for energy storage valuation, has been released.

QuESt v1.2 features the debut of QuESt BTM, an application aimed at providing analysis tools for behind-the-meter energy storage. The first of these tools estimates the cost savings provided by energy storage for time-of-use and net energy metering customers. By strategically using energy storage, the customer can reduce his or her time-of-use energy charges or reduce demand charges by peak shaving. Energy storage can also be used with on-site solar power to reduce the customer’s monthly bill by time-shifting.

One year of operation will be simulated to minimize cost and the total bill with and without energy storage will be calculated. This includes energy charges, demand charges, and net metering charges and/or credits.
QuEST screenshot: A calculation of the total energy bill with and without energy storage. This includes energy charges, demand charges, and net metering charges and/or credits.

QuESt BTM uses simulated load profiles of different commercial and residential buildings located around the United States. It leverages a database of U.S. utility rate structures to allow users to select the rate structure most pertinent to his or her project. Additionally, QuESt BTM can utilize simulated solar power profiles for projects with energy storage co-located with, for example, rooftop solar. By simulating different energy storage system configurations, QuESt BTM can help users size the appropriate energy storage system for reducing his or her building’s monthly electricity bills.

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QuESt is an open source, Python-based application suite for energy storage simulation and analysis developed by the Energy Storage Systems program at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.

April 23, 2019